Interesting facts about the industry Is a great opportunity to learn more about the achievements of humanity. Industry refers to the different factories, mines, factories or power plants that produce a particular product. Enterprises play an important role in the economic development and well-being of the state.
So, here are the most interesting facts about the industry.
- Although wind farms do not harm the environment, they are significantly inferior in their capacity to nuclear power plants. By the way, in order to compare in electricity production with the average nuclear power plant, a wind farm will need to occupy an area of up to 360 km².
- As of today, there are 192 nuclear power plants with 451 power units in 31 countries of the world.
- Almost half of all vessels (if you count them not by number, but by displacement) are made in China (see interesting facts about China).
- The deepest mine in the world, with a depth of about 4000 m, is located in South Africa. Gold miners have to work in extreme conditions, as the heat in the face reaches +60 ⁰C.
- More than 12 billion pairs of shoes are made worldwide every year. Moreover, 60% of the footwear industry is in China.
- Throughout history, man has mined approximately 192,000 tons of gold. If all this gold is put together, then you get a cube with a height of 7-storey building.
- An interesting fact is that 90% of all parts and devices for computers are produced in China.
- The leading positions in the world in the production of solar energy belong to Germany, Italy and China.
- About 1.7 billion mobile devices are manufactured every year in the world. Moreover, 70% of them are made in the same China.
- The largest amount of natural gas is produced in Russia and the United States.
- The first artificial food coloring in history was invented only in the middle of the 19th century and, moreover, absolutely by accident.
- Did you know that the word "industry" was coined by the Russian historian and writer Nikolai Karamzin.
- Approximately 1.8 billion tons of coal is mined in the PRC, which is almost half of the world's production of this coal.
- The inventor of the assembly line is the famous entrepreneur and industrialist Henry Ford. Thanks to his know-how, he has managed to significantly increase the assembly of his own cars (see interesting facts about cars).
- On average, 1 person in the world uses up to 45 kg of paper annually. It is curious that most of the paper is consumed in Finland - 1.4 tons per person per year, and the least in Mali and Afghanistan - 0.1 kg.
- Virtually all electricity in Norway is produced by environmentally friendly hydropower plants.
- The Russian Federation is considered the world leader in oil production. Alternately, it shares the first place with Saudi Arabia.
- Coal-fired thermal power plants are one of the main sources of air pollution. The combustion of coal, the production of cement and the smelting of pig iron give a total emission of dust into the atmosphere equal to 170 million tons per year!