Who is the marginal? Today this word is gaining more and more popularity, in connection with which it can be heard on TV or found on the Internet. However, not everyone knows the true meaning of this term.
In this article, we will tell you who is called marginalized and when it is appropriate to use this expression.
Who are the marginals
Translated from Latin, the word "marginal" literally means - the edge. A marginal or marginal person is a person who is on the border of different social groups, systems, cultures, etc., but does not fully accept them.
In simple terms, a marginal is someone who does not recognize generally accepted norms and rules of behavior. In this case, a person can become such both of his own free will and as a result of external reasons.
For example, you can become a marginalized person due to problems with society, bankruptcy, religious rejection, as well as for political, moral or physical reasons (illness, disability). There are several definitions of this term:
- the marginal is an asocial object outside of groups (social, cultural, financial, political, etc.);
- marginal - a person who is not interested in the activities of other people who are linked by different goals or hobbies.
- marginal - a person who, for a specific reason, was excluded from the group (outcast).
A political crisis, changes in generally accepted or state norms, a change of regime, etc. can lead to marginal behavior of an individual. In addition, a person can become marginalized against the background of ethnic problems.
For example, after moving to another country, an individual may not be able to adapt to the local mentality of people: customs, behavior, laws, racial prejudices, etc. As a result, such a person becomes a marginal person, preferring to adhere to his lifestyle and principles.
It would be wrong to view marginality as bad. On the contrary, the marginal, in contrast to the people around him, is more inherent in individuality and lack of "herd" thinking. Such personalities often become scientists or artists due to the fact that they have their own head on their shoulders and are not afraid of criticism from others.