People are constantly interested in everything mysterious and enigmatic. It seems that mankind knows almost everything about the planet, but there are still many pressing questions that need to be answered. In the distant future, humanity will surely solve the riddle of the Universe and the origin of the Earth. Next, we suggest reading more interesting and fascinating facts about planet Earth.
1. The Earth is the only planet on which a complex form of life exists.
2. Unlike other planets, named after various Roman gods, the word Earth has its own name in each nation.
3. The density of the Earth is higher than any other planet (5.515 g / cm3).
4. Among the terrestrial group of planets, the Earth has the greatest gravity and the strongest magnetic field.
5. The presence of bulges around the equator is related to the rotational ability of the Earth.
6. The difference in the diameter of the Earth at the poles and around the equator is 43 kilometers.
7. The average depth of the oceans, covering 70% of the planet's surface, is 4 kilometers.
8. The Pacific Ocean exceeds the total land area.
9. The formation of continents occurred as a result of the constant movement of the earth's crust. Originally there was one continent on Earth known as Pangea.
10. The largest ozone hole was discovered over Antarctica in 2006.
11. Only in 2009 appeared one of the most reliable topographic maps of the planet Earth.
12. Mount Everest is known as the highest point on the planet and the Mariana Trench as the deepest.
13. The Moon is the only satellite of the Earth.
14. Water vapor in the atmosphere affects the weather forecast.
15. The change of 4 seasons of the year is carried out due to the equatorial inclination of the Earth to its orbit, which is 23.44 degrees.
16. If it was possible to drill a tunnel through the Earth and jump into it, the fall would last about 42 minutes.
17. Rays of light travel from the Sun to the Earth in 500 seconds.
18. If you study a teaspoon of ordinary earth, it turns out that there are more living organisms there than all the people living on Earth.
19. Deserts occupy almost a third of the surface of the entire Earth.
20. Before trees appeared on Earth, giant mushrooms grew.
21. The temperature of the earth's core is equal to the temperature of the sun.
22. Lightning strikes hit the Earth about 100 times in just a second (that's 8.6 million per day).
23. People do not have questions about the shape of the Earth, thanks to the evidence of Pythagoras, made back in 500 BC.
24. Only on Earth can one observe three states of water (solid, gaseous, liquid).
25. In reality, a day consists of 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds.
26. Air pollution in China is so strong that it can be seen even from space.
27. 38 thousand artificial objects were launched into Earth orbit after the launch of Sputnik-1 in 1957.
28. About 100 tons of small meteorites appear daily in the Earth's atmosphere.
29. There is a gradual decrease in the ozone hole.
30. A cubic meter of the Earth's atmosphere is worth 6.9 quadrillion dollars.
31. The size of modern reptiles and amphibians is determined by the amount of oxygen contained in the atmosphere.
32. Only 3% of fresh water is on our planet.
33. The amount of ice in Antarctica is the same as the water in the Atlantic Ocean.
34. A liter of seawater contains 13 billionth of a gram of gold.
35. About 2000 new marine species are discovered annually.
36. About 90% of all garbage in the world's oceans is plastic.
37. 2/3 of all marine species remain unexplored (in total there are about 1 million).
38. About 8-12 people die every year because of sharks.
39. More than 100 million sharks are killed annually for their fins.
40. Basically all volcanic activity (about 90%) occurs in the world's oceans.
41. The diameter of the sphere, which includes all the water on Earth, could be 860 kilometers.
42. The depth of the Mariana Trench is 10.9 kilometers.
43. Thanks to the tectonic plate system, there is a constant circulation of carbon, which does not allow the Earth to overheat.
44. The amount of gold contained in the core of the earth can cover the entire planet with a half-meter layer.
45. The temperature on the earth's core is the same as on the surface of the Sun (5500 ° C).
46. The largest crystals are found in a Mexican mine. Their weight was 55 tons.
47. Bacteria exist even at a depth of 2.8 kilometers.
48. Under the Amazon River, at a depth of 4 kilometers, flows a river called "Hamza", the width of which is about 400 kilometers.
49. In 1983, Antarctica at Vostok station had the lowest temperature ever recorded on Earth.
50. The highest temperature was in 1922 and amounted to 57.8 ° C.
51. Every year there is a shift of the continents by 2 centimeters.
52. Within 300 years more than 75% of all animals may disappear.
53. About 200 thousand people are born on Earth every day.
54. Every second 2 people die.
55. In 2050, about 9.2 billion people will live on Earth.
56. Throughout the history of the Earth there were about 106 billion people.
57. The pig-nosed bat inhabiting Asia is recognized as the smallest animal among mammals (it weighs 2 grams).
58. Mushrooms are one of the largest organisms on Earth.
59. Most Americans choose to live along coastlines that cover only 20% of the entire US.
60. Coral reefs are considered the richest ecosystem.
61. The clay surface in Death Valley allows the wind to move rocks in different directions across the surface.
62. The Earth's magnetic field tends to change its direction every 200-300 thousand years.
63. Having studied meteorites and old rocks, scientists come to the conclusion that the age of the Earth is about 4.54 billion years.
64. Even without performing motor actions, a person is in motion all the time.
65. The island of Kimolos is known for the unusual composition of the Earth, represented by a greasy soapy substance, which is used by local people as a soap.
66. The constant heat and dryness in Tegazi (Sahara) prevents the destruction of local houses made of rock salt.
67. The fauna of the Bali and Lombok islands is completely different, despite their close location to each other.
68. The small island of El Alakran is home to over 1 million cormorants and gulls.
69. Despite its close proximity to the sea, the city of Lima (capital of Peru) is an arid desert where it never rains.
70. Kunashir Island is famous for a unique structure of stone, created by nature itself and similar to a giant organ.
71. The geographic atlas, created in 150 AD, was printed only in 1477 in Italy.
72. The largest atlas of the Earth weighs 250 kilograms and is kept in Berlin.
73. For the echo to occur, the rock must be at least 30 meters away.
74. Northern Tien Shan is the only mountainous place where people do not have an increase in blood pressure.
75. Mirage is a very common phenomenon in the Sahara. For this reason, special maps have been drawn up, marking the places where it can be seen most often.
76. Most of the islands in the Atlantic Ocean are volcanoes.
77. Most often earthquakes occur in Japan (about three per day).
78. There are more than 1,300 types of water, depending on the origin, quantity and nature of the substances in it.
79. The ocean acts as a powerful heating of the lower atmospheric layers.
80. The clearest water is in the Sargasso Sea (Atlantic Ocean).
81. Located in Sicily, the Lake of Death is considered the "deadliest". Any living creature that finds itself in this lake immediately dies. The reason for this is two springs located at the bottom and poisoning the water with concentrated acid.
82. There is a lake in Algeria whose water can be used as ink.
83. You can see “combustible” water in Azerbaijan. It is capable of emitting flames due to the methane located under the water.
84. More than 1 million chemical compounds can be obtained from oil.
85. In Egypt, a thunderstorm is observed no more than once in 200 years.
86. The benefit of lightning lies in the ability to snatch nitrogen out of the air and direct it into the ground. It is a free and efficient fertilizer source.
87. More than half of all people on Earth have never seen snow live.
88. Ice temperature can vary depending on the territory in which it is located.
89. The speed of the flow of spring is approximately 50 km per day.
90. The air that people breathe is 80% nitrogen and only 20% oxygen.
91. If you take two opposite points on the planet and simultaneously put two slices of bread in them, you get a sandwich with a globe.
92. If a cube could be poured out of all the mined gold, then it would correspond to the dimensions of a seven-story building.
93. The surface of the Earth, when compared to a bowling ball, is considered smoother.
94. At least 1 piece of space debris hits the Earth every day.
95. A sealed suit is required, starting from a distance of 19 km, as in its absence, water boils at body temperature.
96. Göbekli Tepe is considered the oldest religious building, built in the 10th millennium BC.
97. It is believed that once the Earth had two satellites.
98. Due to fluctuations in gravity, the mass of the Earth is unevenly distributed.
99. The status of tall people is assigned to the Dutch, and the lowest people to the Japanese.
100. The rotation of the Moon and the Sun is synchronized.