Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn is exactly the writer who could inspire the famous classics. Humanity in harsh conditions is the main theme of his prose works. The personality of the writer was formed not without difficulties, because he was born in a difficult time.
1. Never in his entire life did Solzhenitsyn see his own father, because he died before the birth of the writer.
2. Alexander Isaevich spent his childhood in poverty.
3. In Solzhenitsyn's dreams it was to become an actor, but this did not come true.
4.Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn graduated from school with honors.
5. The first novel this writer wanted to write was about the revolution.
6. The Great Patriotic War became a turning point for the writer.
7.Solzhenitsyn was sentenced to eternal exile and 8 years in labor camps.
8. 3 weeks before Stalin's death, Solzhenitsyn was released.
9. Seminoma disease was diagnosed in Solzhenitsyn during the period of the camps. There he also underwent surgery.
10. In 1962, real popularity came to Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn. This is due to the fact that his novel One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich was published.
11. Solzhenitsyn's success ended after the thaw and Khrushchev's resignation.
12.Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn refused the order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the Primordial.
13. From childhood, Solzhenitsyn raised a zealous Christian in himself.
14. Solzhenitsyn in the army had to go from an ordinary soldier to a captain.
15. Solzhenitsyn's awards were the Order of the Red Star.
16. When the writer was in the camps, his first wife, Natalya Reshetovskaya, divorced him in absentia. This happened in 1948.
17. Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn was considered a vivid adherent of Marxism.
18. In hard labor, Solzhenitsyn had to change his own views, just as Dostoevsky did.
19. A malignant tumor of the genitals was found in Solzhenitsyn.
20. Solzhenitsyn is considered the only writer who died in his ninth decade.
21. Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn did not want to make literature his main activity, and therefore he entered the physics and mathematics faculty.
22. Because Solzhenitsyn wore a cross and went to church, he was ridiculed in childhood.
23. In his university years, Alexander Isaevich began to write poems.
24 In Moscow, a street is named after Solzhenitsyn.
25. In 1997, Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn was able to become an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
26. Under the erroneous patronymic, Solzhenitsyn went down in history. Isaakievich is considered his real patronymic.
27. Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn did not abandon literature in the camps.
28. The writer died of heart failure.
29. Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn is the only person who could openly express his own dissatisfaction with the situation in the state.
30. By education, Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn was a mathematician.
31. Solzhenitsyn was married three times in his entire life. Twice - on the same woman.
32. Solzhenitsyn managed to create a Fund to help the persecuted for fees.
33. Yeltsin gave Solzhenitsyn a dacha in the suburbs.
34. After the revolutionary years, Solzhenitsyn's mother was a stenographer.
35. I met my first wife Natalya Solzhenitsyn in the first year of the university.
36. The first wife of Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn called Sanya.
37. The last years of his life, Solzhenitsyn lived on the outskirts of Moscow in his own house.
38. Solzhenitsyn's strong friendship with his wife Natalya began with the fact that he wrote her an acrostic.
39. Alexander Isaevich spent his wedding trip with his wife Natalya in Tarusa.
40.Solzhenitsyn did not want to have children after the wedding.
41. He met his second wife Natalya Solzhenitsyn during the reprinting of manuscripts.
42. Documentation is considered the main feature of all the works of Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn.
43. Natalya Reshetovskaya, who was the first wife of Solzhenitsyn, after learning about her husband's romance with another, tried to commit suicide.
44. For three years, Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn sought a divorce from his first wife.
45 Solzhenitsyn's mother dreamed of being a ballerina.
46 Solzhenitsyn knew the story of his mother's acquaintance with his father. His mother told him about it.
47. Solzhenitsy is considered to be the Nobel Prize laureate in literature.
48. Alexander Isayevich Solzhenitsyn had three sons, and they were all talented individuals.
49. Solzhenitsyn refused to join the pioneers.
50. As a result, Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn became a member of the Komsomol.