What is biosphere and technosphere interests many people. Nevertheless, in order not to get confused and to understand everything in as much detail as possible, you should define each of the terms.
The biosphere is the shell of the Earth, inhabited by living organisms and transformed by them. It is a collection of all living organisms. The biosphere contains over 3 million varieties of plants, animals, fungi and bacteria.
It is important to note that the person is also a part of it. It is curious that the biosphere on Earth can exist without the technosphere, while the second without the first cannot.
The technosphere is the totality of everything that has been done by humanity. That is, a special shell of the planet in which the subject-practical activity of a person is carried out. The technosphere includes various enterprises, buildings, dams, fields and many other things. It is sometimes called "second nature", created by people to achieve their goals, ideas or theories. Today, the technosphere is an inorganic mechanical system that includes scientific concepts aimed at transforming the world.
Especially in recent years, the share of the technosphere on the planet has noticeably increased, while that of the biosphere has been decreasing. A number of scientists suggest that in the future the environment will be completely replaced by the technological environment, where all resources will be recycled and reused in order to save.
Roughly speaking, the biosphere means everything that appeared naturally, and the technosphere means everything artificial, that is, as a result of human activity.