Interesting facts about aspen Is a great opportunity to learn more about deciduous trees. Aspen is widespread in temperate and cold regions of Europe and Asia. They are found in forest and forest-steppe zones, growing on different types of soil.
So, here are the most interesting facts about aspen trees.
- Aspen grows extremely quickly, however, due to susceptibility to various diseases, it rarely reaches old age.
- Aspen bark is actively used for leather tanning.
- Aspen is found in many sayings, proverbs and fairy tales.
- Did you know that aspen is not pollinated by insects (see interesting facts about insects), but by the wind?
- The people have a fixed expression - "Tremble like an aspen leaf." It is used when a person is afraid of someone or something. The fact is that aspen leaves begin to "tremble" and rustle even from a slight breeze.
- Among all trees, the closest relatives of aspen are willow and poplar.
- An interesting fact is that in the Russian Federation matches are made from aspen.
- The aspen root system is deep underground and can reach up to 100 m in diameter.
- Aspen leaves are a real treat for moose and deer.
- The name of the popular mushroom (see interesting facts about mushrooms) - "aspen" is associated not only with the characteristic place of its growth, but also with the color of the cap, reminiscent of the autumn color of aspen leaves.
- Aspen is actively used in the construction industry. In addition, furniture and plywood are made from it.
- Aspen has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antitussive and choleretic effect.