What is creed? This word can often be heard from people you know or on TV. Yet many people do not know the true meaning of this term or simply confuse it with other concepts.
In this article we will tell you what is really meant by the word "credo".
What does creed mean
Credo (lat. credo - I believe) - personal conviction, the basis of a person's worldview. In simple words, the credo is the internal position of the individual, his basic beliefs, which may run counter to the traditional opinions of other people.
Synonyms for this term can be words such as worldview, outlook, principles or outlook on life. Today the phrase “life credo” is very popular in society.
By such a concept, one should mean the principles of an individual, on the basis of which he builds his life. That is, having designated a personal credo, a person chooses for himself the direction that he will adhere to in the future, regardless of the current situation.
For example, if a politician claims that democracy is his "political credo", then by doing so he wants to say that democracy in his understanding is the best form of government, which he will not give up under any circumstances.
The same principle applies to sports, philosophy, science, education and many other areas. Factors such as genetics, mentality, environment, level of intelligence, etc. can influence the choice or formation of the credo.
It is curious that there are many mottos of famous people reflecting their credo:
- “Do not do anything shameful, neither in the presence of others, nor in secret. Your first law should be self-respect ”(Pythagoras).
- “I walk slowly, but I never move back.” - Abraham Lincoln.
- “It is better to be subjected to injustice than to commit it yourself” (Socrates).
- “Surround yourself only with those people who will pull you higher. It's just that life is already full of those who want to drag you down ”(George Clooney).