Interesting facts about domains Is a great opportunity to learn more about the structure of the Internet. Today on the Internet you can find a wide variety of information by going to certain sites. Moreover, each website has its own unique domain name, which is essentially its address.
So, here are the most interesting facts about domains.
- The first domain was registered back in 1985, long before the popularization of the Internet in the world.
- US resident Mike Mann bought over 15,000 domain names. When they asked him why he did it, the American admitted that he wants to rule the whole world.
- Free 3-letter domains in the ".com" zone ended in 1997. Today, such a domain can only be bought from someone, having paid big money for it (see interesting facts about money).
- Domain registrations are generally allowed with a maximum of 63 characters. However, in some countries it is possible to register domains up to 127 characters long.
- One of the most expensive domain names ever sold is In 2007 it was sold for $ 35 million!
- Did you know that until 1995 there were no fees for domain registrations?
- Initially, one domain cost $ 100, but the cost of domain names began to decline pretty quickly.
- DNS is used to convert a domain to an IP address and vice versa.
- An interesting fact is that Antarctica also has its own domain - ".aq".
- All websites with the .gov domain are affiliated with American political structures.
- There are over 300 million domains in the world today, and this number continues to grow rapidly.
- The number of active domain names is increasing by 12% every year.
- Interestingly, the domain - ".com" is considered the most popular on the planet.
- The well-known domain ".tv" belongs to the state of Tuvalu (see interesting facts about Tuvalu). The sale of domain names in the presented zone, to a large extent, replenishes the country's budget.
- It is generally believed that thousands of organizations would like to have a domain. That's why this domain was sold for an incredible $ 360 million!
- The GDR domain ".dd" was registered but never used.
- About a third of all existing domains do not contain any information and exist only to sell advertising links.