Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky is an energetic person who has succeeded in many things in his life. Interesting facts from the life of Vasily Zhukovsky include the fact that he was a famous poet, court adviser and a worthy translator. This man embodied his own creative ideas in folk art and literature. Zhukovsky did a lot for people. Interesting facts from the life of this person can be impressive.
1. Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky led his own literary community and was the chairman there.
2. In childhood, this man was too sentimental and empathetic.
3. Thanks to Zhukovsky, the Decembrists were not sent to the chopping block, but exiled to Siberia.
4. Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky was not a Lovelace.
5. He first fell in love at the age of 22.
6. Being the teacher of Mashenka, who was only 12 years old, Zhukovsky, 7 years later, wooed her.
7. At the age of 57, Zhukovsky first married and lived with his wife for 11 years.
8.Russian romanticism was developed precisely by Zhukovsky.
9. Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky was the tutor of Alexander II and taught him to think globally.
10. This great man is considered the author of 6 elegies.
11. Zhukovsky was considered the illegitimate son of a landowner.
12. Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky fictitiously received a title of nobility.
13. Zhukovsky was not mentioned in the will of his own father, because he was born out of wedlock.
14. The creative path of Vasily Andreyevich began precisely with translations.
15. From an early age, Zhukovsky was involved in politics.
16. Zhukovsky was an assistant to the Decembrists.
17. The great writer was buried in Russia.
18. From the age of 14, Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky studied at the Noble Boarding School, where he professionally mastered knowledge of French and German.
19. The writer's ashes rest in the cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.
20. Zhukovsky was brought up in childhood in the Bunin family.
21. Zhukovsky had a huge influence on the work of Tyutchev and Lermontov.
22. Brief interesting facts from the life of Zhukovsky confirm that he is considered the first author of the official Russian anthem "Prayer of the Russians".
23. During the last 12 years of his life, Zhukovsky stayed in Germany.
24. Until the end of his life, Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky held the position of a privy councilor.
25. Zhukovsky was thin and tall in build.
26. Zhukovsky married Elizaveta von Reitern. Interesting facts from the biography of this person testify to this.
27. Zhukovsky devoted almost all his free time to his own children.
28. Zhukovsky was expelled for academic failure when he studied in Tula.
29. The first literary experience of this man was the translation of the English elegy "Country cemetery".
30. Zhukovsky first visited abroad in 1821.
31. Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky was familiar with Goethe and Pushkin.
32. Vasily Andreevich worked as a "city secretary" in the Moscow city salt office.
33. He was also the editor of the "Bulletin of Europe".
34. One of the first Zhukovsky learned about the wound and duel of Pushkin.
35. The writer died at the age of 69.
36.The writer took the surname from the godfather Andrei Zhukovsky.
37. Twice Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky asked Mashenka Protasova for the hand and heart.
38. By the end of his life, Zhukovsky was almost completely blind.
39. Foolish he wrote his last elegy with the title "Tsarskoye Selo swan".
40. Vasily Andreevich received his upbringing especially in women's society.
41. Zhukovsky was Pushkin's mentor.
42. The portrait of Zhukovsky, which was painted by Orest Kiprensky, hangs in the Tretyakov Gallery.
43.During Zhukovsky's life in the village, his works were rarely published.
44. Zhukovsky in 1812 suffered from typhus.
45. Zhukovsky was also a talented artist.
46.During the years of Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky's life abroad, he became very close to the writer Gogol.
47. Zhukovsky was not afraid of death, but he died quietly and calmly.
48. Zhukovsky received his first education at home.
49. The writer died in Baden-Baden.
50. Until the end of his life, Zhukovsky loved Maria Protasova, although he was married to another woman.