The Moleb Triangle is considered to be an anomalous zone in which a flying saucer can be seen. It is these rumors that arouse the interest of tourists traveling to the Perm Territory to conduct their own research. An unusual place is located near the village of Molebka on the border with the Sverdlovsk region.
Historical background about the emergence of the Moleb Triangle
The village of Molebka got its name from a prayer stone belonging to the ancient people of Mansi. It was near the settlement that sacrifices to the gods were carried out many years ago, but this was not what brought the small settlement worldwide fame.
The popularity of the remote village was brought by the geologist Emil Bachurin, who went hunting in the local forests in the winter of 1983. During his expedition, he noticed a strange hemisphere soaring into the air. According to him, a radiance emanated from her. When Emil got to the place of the alleged landing of the phenomenon, he found a melted area in the snow, the diameter of which was more than 60 meters.
After that, the geologist delved into the study of the area, began to question the inhabitants of the village for mystical events occurring near the anomalous zone. As a result of the study, he received a rather impressive list of facts from various people who claimed that inexplicable events were taking place in the Moleb Triangle. Moreover, almost all residents often experience malaise, expressed by weakness and headaches.
After the publication of articles in various sources, Russia attracted the attention of many international ufological centers, which carried out their own assessment of the nearby territory. In the conclusion, it was indicated that dowsing activity was increased near the village, but no signs of alien inhabitants were found.
Natural anomalies found close to Molebka
Ufologists who have conducted research on the mystical place describe several signs of anomalous phenomena:
- the appearance of a UFO;
- luminous spots connecting in geometric shapes;
- in photos taken at night, light comes from objects;
- complete discharge of batteries and accumulators in a matter of time;
- sound mirages;
- changing the time course.
Scientists find reasonable explanations for this, but so far no one has been able to prove their truth, so every year the anomalous zone attracts a huge number of people interested in mysticism and extraterrestrial civilizations.
Popular places
Recently, active disputes regarding the Moleb Triangle have subsided, but tourists still visit these places in order to be convinced of the presence of anomalous phenomena and in the hope of seeing UFOs. In 2016, there were several tours of the surrounding area. The most popular is the central clearing, which provides a 360-degree view. At night, curious flying saucers stop here.
Settlements are considered a strange place, as they have a psychotropic effect on people who spend a long time on their territory. Some have strange hallucinations, others feel unwell, and others have terrible dreams after visiting an abnormal zone.
We advise you to take a look at the Nazca lines.
Pyramids, neatly stacked stones in the middle of the forest, are distinguished as a local attraction. The unusual thing about this phenomenon is that the three stone sculptures represent the corners of an isosceles triangle. Another phenomenon is called "Witch's Rings". When traveling along the Sylva River, you can see huge trees upturned by the roots and folded into a neat fence. Pictures taken in this area are illuminated by large circles of unknown origin.
The Molebsky Triangle is evaluated in two ways. Some consider it to be a truly unusual place, as they witness strange phenomena. Others argue that it is just a well-advertised tourist attraction. But in order to be convinced of the truth of the judgments, it is necessary to see firsthand the mysterious surroundings of the village of Molebna.