Space has always been of interest to people, because our life is also connected with it. Space discoveries and exploration are so exciting that you want to learn more and more new things. Space is the mysterious one that one wants to study.
1.On October 4, 1957, the first satellite was launched, flying only 92 days.
2. 480 degrees Celsius is the temperature on the surface of Venus.
3. There is a huge number of galaxies in the Universe, which cannot be counted.
4. Since December 1972, there have been no people on the moon.
5. Time passes much slower near objects with a large force of gravity.
6. Simultaneously, all liquids in space freeze and boil. Even urine.
7. Toilets in space for the safety of astronauts are equipped with special protective belts for the hips and feet.
8. After sunset, the naked eye can see the International Space Station (ISS), which revolves around the Earth.
9. Astronauts wear diapers during landing, takeoff and spacewalk.
10. The teachings believe that the Moon is a huge piece that was formed when the Earth collided with another planet.
11.One comet, caught in a solar storm, lost its tail.
12. On the moon of Jupiter is the largest volcano Pele.
13. White dwarfs - the so-called stars that are deprived of their own sources of thermonuclear energy.
14. the sun loses 4000 tons of weight per second. per minute, per minute 240 thousand tons.
15. According to the Big Bang theory, the universe emerged about 13.77 billion years ago from some singular state and has been expanding ever since.
16. At a distance of 13 million light years from the earth is the famous black hole.
17. Nine planets revolve around the Sun, which have their own satellites.
18. Potatoes are shaped like the satellites of Mars.
19. The first time traveler was cosmonaut Sergei Avdeev. For a long time, it orbited the earth at a speed of 27,000 km / h. In this regard, it fell 0.02 seconds into the future.
20. 9.46 trillion kilometers is the distance that light travels in one year.
21. There are no seasons on Jupiter. Due to the fact that the angle of inclination of the axis of rotation relative to the orbital plane is only 3.13 °. The degree of deviation of the orbit from the circumference of the planet is also minimal (0.05)
22. A falling meteorite has never killed anyone.
23. Small astronomical bodies are called asteroids orbiting the Sun.
24. 98% of the mass of all objects in the Solar System is the mass of the Sun.
25. The atmospheric pressure at the center of the Sun is 34 billion times higher than the pressure at sea level on Earth.
26. About 6000 degrees Celsius is the temperature on the surface of the Sun.
27. In 2014, the coldest white dwarf star was discovered, carbon crystallized on it and the whole star turned into a diamond the size of the Earth.
28. Italian astronomer Galileo was hiding from the persecution of the Roman Catholic Church.
29. In 8 minutes, light reaches the surface of the Earth.
30. The sun will greatly increase in size in about a billion years. At a time when all the hydrogen in the sun's core runs out. Burning will occur on the surface and the light will become much brighter.
31. A hypothetical photon engine for rockets can accelerate a spacecraft to the speed of light. But its development, apparently, is a matter of the distant future.
32. The Voyager spacecraft flies at a speed of more than 56 thousand kilometers per hour.
33. The volume of the sun is 1.3 million times larger than the earth.
34. Proxima Centauri is our closest neighboring star.
35. In space, only yogurt will remain on the spoon, and all other liquids will spread.
36. The planet Neptune cannot be seen with the naked eye.
37. The first was the Soviet-made Venera-1 spacecraft.
38. In 1972, the Pioneer spacecraft was launched to the star Aldebaran.
39. In 1958, the National Office for the Exploration of Outer Space was established.
40. The science that simulates planets is called Terra formation.
41. The International Space Station (ISS) has been created in the form of a laboratory, the cost of which is $ 100 million.
42. Mysterious "dark matter" makes up most of the mass of Venus.
43. The Voyager spacecraft carries discs with congratulations in 55 languages.
44. The human body would stretch in length if it fell into a black hole.
45. There are only 88 days a year on Mercury.
46. The diameter of the globe is 25 times the diameter of the star Hercules.
47. The air in space toilets is purified from bacteria and odors.
48. The first dog that went into space in 1957 was a husky.
49. It is planned to send robots to Mars to deliver the soil samples from Mars back to earth.
50. Scientists have discovered some planets revolving around their own axis.
51. All the stars of the Milky Way revolve around the center.
52. On the moon, gravity is 6 times weaker than on earth. The satellite cannot contain the gases emitted from it. They fly safely into space.
53. Every 11 years in the cycle, the magnetic poles of the Sun change places.
54. About 40 thousand tons of meteorite dust is deposited annually on the surface of the Earth.
55. The zone of bright gas from the explosion of a star is called the Crab Nebula.
56. Every day the Earth passes about 2.4 million kilometers around the Sun.
57. The apparatus, which ensures the state of weightlessness, was named "Upchuck".
58. Astronauts who are in space for a long time often suffer from muscle dystrophy.
59. It takes the light of the moon about 1.25 seconds to reach the surface of the earth.
60. In Sicily in 2004, local residents suggested that they were visited by aliens.
61. The mass of Jupiter is two and a half times greater than the mass of all other planets of the solar system.
62. A day on Jupiter lasts ten Earth hours less.
63. The atomic clock runs more accurately in space.
64. Aliens, if any, can now catch radio broadcasts from the earth in the 1980s. The fact is that the speed of a radio wave is equal to the speed of light, so now radio waves from the 1980s would reach planets located more than 37 light-years (data for 2017) from the earth.
65.263 extrasolar planets were discovered prior to October 2007.
66. Since the creation of the solar system, asteroids and comets have been composed of particles.
67. It would take you more than 212 years to get to the Sun in a regular car.
68. The night temperature on the Moon may differ from the daytime by 380 degrees Celsius.
69. One day the Earth system mistook a spaceship for a meteorite.
70. A very low musical sound is emitted by a black hole located in the Perseus galaxy.
71. At a distance of 20 light years from Earth, there is a planet suitable for life.
72. Astronomers have discovered a new planet with the presence of water.
73. By 2030, it is planned to build a city on the moon.
74. Temperature - 273.15 degrees Celsius is called absolute zero.
75.500 million kilometers - the largest comet tail.
Photo from the automatic interplanetary station "Cassini". In the picture of Saturn's ring, the arrow indicates the planet Earth. Photo of 2017
76. The International Space Station (ISS) is equipped with huge solar panels.
77. For time travel, you can use tunnels in space and in time.
78. The Kuiper Belt consists of the remnants of the planets.
79. It is our solar system that is considered young, which has existed for 4.57 billion years.
80. Even light can easily absorb the gravitational field of a black hole.
81. The longest day on Mercury.
82. Passing around the Sun, Jupiter leaves behind a gas cloud.
83. Part of the Arizona desert is used to train astronauts.
84. The Great Red Spot on Jupiter has existed for over 350 years.
85. More than 764 planets of the Earth could fit inside Saturn (if we take into account its rings). Without rings - only 10 Earth planets.
86. The largest object in the Solar System is the Sun.
87. Pressed solid waste from space toilets is sent to Earth.
88. The Moon becomes farther from the earth by 4 cm per year. Due to the fact that the Moon increases its rotation around the Earth.
89. More than 100 billion stars exist in an ordinary galaxy.
90. The lowest density on the planet Saturn, only 0.687 g / cm³. The Earth has 5.51 g / cm³.
The inner contents of the suit
91. The so-called Oort Cloud exists in the solar system. This is a hypothetical region that is the source of long-period comets. The existence of the cloud has not yet been proven (as of 2017). The distance from the Sun to the edge of the cloud is approximately 0.79 to 1.58 light years.
92. Ice volcanoes spew water on the moon of Saturn.
93. Only 19 earthly hours last a day on Neptune.
94. In zero gravity, the respiratory process can be disturbed due to the fact that the blood moves unstably through the body, due to the lack of gravity.
95. Every atom in a human body was once a part of a star (According to the big bang theory).
96. The size of the moon is equal to the size of the earth's core.
97. A huge gas cloud in the center of our galaxy consists of gaseous alcohol.
98. Mount Olympus is the highest volcano in the Solar System.
99. On Pluto, the average surface temperature is -223 ° C. And in the atmosphere it is about -180 ° C. This is caused by the greenhouse effect.
100. More than 10 thousand Earth years lasts a year on the planet Sedna (10th planet of the solar system).