We often do not pay attention to the world around us. We have such a diverse fauna and flora that so many interesting things are missed. Bees are the most industrious insects in the world. Bees are real workers, and they don't care about the weather.
1. During a fire, bees develop an instinct for self-preservation, and they begin to stock up on honey, thereby not paying attention to strangers. Therefore, the use of smoke in beekeeping is effective.
2. Bees in the amount of two hundred individuals must work during the day for a person to receive one spoonful of honey.
3. These insects secrete wax in order to fix all the combs with honey.
4. It is imperative that a certain number of bees are in the hive all the time to provide high-quality ventilation to evaporate excess moisture from the nectar, which turns into honey.
5. To warn other bees about the presence of a food source, the bee begins to perform a special dance with the help of circular flights around its axis.
6. On average, bees fly at a speed of 24 km / h.
7. An average bee colony can collect up to 10 kg of honey during the day.
8. A bee can easily fly long distances and always find its way home.
9. Within a radius of two kilometers, each bee finds a food source.
10. A bee can explore an area of more than 12 hectares per day.
11. Up to eight kilograms can reach the weight of an average bee swarm.
12. An average bee colony consists of about 50 thousand bees.
13. About 160 ml is the weight of nectar, which is deposited by a bee in one cell.
14. About 100 thousand pollen particles are included in one honeycomb.
15. Empty combs without honey and brood are called dry.
16. In one day, a bee makes 10 flights in the region and brings 200 mg of pollen.
17. Up to 30% of the entire bee colony work daily to collect pollen.
18. Poppy, lupine, rose hips, corn allow bees to collect only pollen.
19. The nectar contains glucose, sucrose and fructose.
20. Mostly bee honey consists of a large amount of glucose.
21. Honey with a lot of fructose has a low crystallization rate.
22. Bees choose pollen with sufficient sucrose content.
23. During the flowering of fireweed and raspberries, the collection of honey increases by 17 kg in one day.
24. In Siberia, bees collect the largest amount of honey.
25.420 kg of honey - the maximum recorded record for the honey yield of one family from a honey beehive per season.
26. In a bee colony, all important responsibilities are equally divided.
27. About 60% of bees work on collecting nectar from a colony weighing more than five kilograms.
28. To collect 40 grams of nectar, one bee must visit about 200 sunflower flowers.
29. The weight of a bee is 0.1 grams. Its carrying capacity is: with nectar 0.035 g, with honey 0.06 g.
30. Bees do not empty their intestines in winter (at all).
31. Swarm bees do not sting.
32. Large amounts of smoke can irritate the bees.
33. The queen bee does not sting a person even in an irritated state.
34. About 100 g of honey is needed to raise a thousand larvae.
35. On average, a bee colony requires 30 kilograms of honey per year.
36. Honeycombs built by bees are characterized by distinctive strength and durability.
37. A bee is able to extend its life five times.
38. Bees are characterized by highly developed olfactory receptors.
39. At a distance of one kilometer, a bee can smell a flower.
40. Bees during the flight lift loads, large masses of their own body.
41. A bee with a load can accelerate up to 65 kilometers per hour.
42. A bee needs to visit about 10 million flowers to collect one kilogram of honey.
43. One bee can visit about 7 thousand flowers in one day.
44. Among the bees there is also a special type of albino, which is characterized by white eyes.
45. Bees know how to communicate with each other.
46. With the help of body movements and pheromones, bees communicate with each other.
47. Up to 50 mg of nectar can be brought by one bee per flight.
48. It should also be noted that during a long flight, a bee can eat half of the collected nectar.
49. Even in Egypt, as the excavations showed, they were engaged in beekeeping 5 thousand years ago.
50. In the vicinity of the Polish city of Poznan there is a beekeeping museum, which includes more than a hundred old hives.
51. During excavations, scientists discovered ancient coins depicting bees.
52. One bee can explore an area of more than 12 hectares.
53. A bee can carry a load, the weight of which is 20 times greater than its own body weight.
54. A bee can reach speeds of up to 65 km per hour.
55. In one second, the bee makes up to 440 wing beats.
56. There are cases in history when bees built their hives on the roofs of houses.
57. The distance from the Earth to the Moon is equal to the path that one bee flies during honey collection.
58. Bees, to find nectar, are guided by the special color of flowers.
59. The main bee pest is the moth moth, it can copy the sounds of the queen bee.
60. One bee family needs about two glasses of water a day.
61. The inhabitants of Ceylon eat bees.
62. One of the amazing wonders of the world is the relationship between a bee and a flower.
63. Bees are directly involved in pollination of vegetables growing in greenhouses.
64. Bees influence the palatability of vegetables and fruits during pollination.
65. Honey is included in the list of mandatory foods for astronauts and divers.
66. Honey can be absorbed almost completely, especially in extreme conditions.
67. A bee can bring 50 mg of nectar to the hive at a time.
68. Smoke has a calming effect on bees.
69. Bees cannot use a sting with a full belly of nectar.
70. The smell of laundry soap soothes the bees.
71. Bees do not like strong smells.
72. Honey is characterized by the unique properties of a preservative that can preserve food for a long time.
73. The Romans and Greeks used honey for preserving fresh meat.
74. Honey was used for embalming in ancient Egypt.
75. Honey is characterized by a unique property - to keep food fresh for a long time.
76. Honey contains a huge amount of nutrients, vitamins and microelements.
77. Each hive has its own guard bees, which reliably protect it from enemy attacks.
78. A bee can deliberately fly into someone else's hive. The reason is the robbery of a weaker family, when there is a bad bribe around, or the inability to return to her family (late, cold, rain) in this case, she takes a pose of submission and the watchman is allowed to pass her.
79. These insects recognize their fellows by body odor.
80. A bee can perform various tasks during its life.
81. A working bee can live up to 40 days.
82. With the help of dance, useful information is transmitted between the bees.
83. A bee has five eyes.
84. By virtue of the peculiarity of vision, bees see best of all flowers of blue, white and yellow colors.
85. The queen mates with the drone on the fly, at a speed of about 69 km / h. The uterus mates with several males, who die after mating, since their reproductive organ remains in the uterus. The uterus has enough sperm obtained for mating for life (up to 9 years).
86. The maturation of a bee egg is about 17 days.
87. The upper jaws of the bee are needed to collect honey.
88. At the end of summer, the queen with a swarm of bees goes in search of a new home.
89. During the wintering period, the bees huddle in a ball, in the center of which the queen sits, and move continuously to warm her. They generate heat while driving. The temperature in the ball is up to 28 °. Also, bees feed on stored honey.
90. About 50 kg of pollen is stored by one bee colony during the summer.
91. Bees go through four stages of development during their life.
92. The bee dies immediately after releasing the sting.
93. Autumn hatching bees live 6-7 months - they survive the winter well. The bees participating in the main honey harvest die already in 30-40 days. In spring and autumn, bees live no longer than 45-60 days.
94. A queen bee can lay from 1000 to 3000 eggs in one day.
95. A young uterus independently establishes a whole colony.
96. The African bee is the most dangerous of all existing bee species.
97. Today there are bee hybrids formed by crossing different types of bees.
98. A person can die from a hundred bee stings.
99. The bee plays a major role in pollination of agricultural plants.
100. Scientists have taught bees to look for explosives.