A.P. Chekhov is an epochal personality. And his plays are staged in almost all world theaters even now. He could have become a great doctor, but, considering this profession unprofitable, he took up creativity and won popularity and respect among his readers and contemporaries.
1.In childhood, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov managed to do a lot: he studied the craft, and studied, and helped his father, and sang in the choir, and played.
2. Interesting facts from the life of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov are associated with his last name. It was received not from a national descendant, but from the old nickname Czech.
3. Chekhov had to work tirelessly for 5 years.
4. If you read interesting facts from the life of Chekhov, then it says that he was small in stature. But this myth was dispelled because his height was 1.80.
5. Chekhov hid his own illness from people for a long time.
6. Ivan Bunin was a close friend of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.
7. Boleya, Chekhov never asked for help, even at the moment when his disease progressed with all its activity.
8. Chekhov signed his own name only on rare occasions. More often he signed himself with funny nicknames: Zevulya, Propter, Uncle.
9. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov greatly respected the work of Gogol and considered him the ancestor of the Russian novel.
10. Sonya Golden Handle was invented by Chekhov.
11.Taganrog boasts a monument to Peter the Great thanks to Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. He asked for this monument from the city authorities.
12. Chekhov's favorite breed of dog was a dachshund.
13. The writer himself had 2 taxes.
14. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov collected stamps.
15. Chekhov had countless notebooks.
16. Chekhov also had traditions and habits. He called the cupboard with sweets "respected and expensive."
17. Chekhov was always silent about everything.
18. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's grandfather was a serf, but he did everything to buy out his own family.
19.As they say interesting facts about Chekhov, in relation to his wife Olga Leonardovna Knipper, in addition to the usual affectionate words and compliments, he used words such as "snake", "dog", "actress".
20. Chekhov dedicated a story to Tchaikovsky.
21. In Germany, the first monument to Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was erected. This happened in 1908.
22. Chekhov died in Germany. Biography, interesting facts from life - all this confirms this fact.
23. The works of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov were filmed about 200 times.
24. Chekhov was also a doctor.
25. In 1892, Chekhov threw medicine "into the far corner."
26. Chekhov liked to look for funny surnames from real people.
27. After a writer came across a funny surname, he used it when writing his stories.
28 A publishing house in New York is named after Chekhov.
29. It was Chekhov who insisted that Gorky give himself up to drama.
30. The writer bequeathed almost all his property to his sister, whose name was Maria Pavlovna.
31. Anton Pavlovich had a huge number of fans. The writer called them “Antonovka”.
32. Traveling through Europe, Chekhov had to stop by Monte Carlo.
33. Chekhov had a difficult childhood, because he traded in his father's shop every day.
34. Chekhov was going to write a song with Tchaikovsky.
35. Anton Pavlovich lived with his wife for only 6 months, after which she moved to Moscow, and he remained in Yalta.
36. Chekhov's wife survived the writer by 55 years.
37. Interesting facts about Anton Chekhov say that a crater on Mercury is named after him.
38. Chekhov is the writer who entered the top 3 in terms of the number of stories screened.
39. For 25 years of experience in literature, Anton Pavlovich managed to create about 900 different works.
40. Chekhov traveled all over the world space.
41. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was able to predict his own death.
42. The great writer lived only 44 years.
43. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was buried in the cemetery of the Novodevichy Convent, near the grave of his dad.
44. Chekhov died at night in the arms of his own wife.
45 In the dreams of Chekhov and his wife was the birth of a child, but this never happened.
46. Chekhov's wife was pregnant, but, working hard, she did not save herself and the child.
47. Chekhov liked to say absurdities.
48. Chekhov's last winter was spent in Moscow, which he greatly rejoiced.
49. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov with all his efforts helped the tuberculosis patients who came to Yalta.
50. The most touching correspondence of Chekhov is the correspondence with his wife.
51. Chekhov liked to correct other people's stories. It was gymnastics for his mind.
52. Contemporaries called Anton Pavlovich Chekhov a modest man.
53. Chekhov did not like to write about his own life. This is evidenced by little-known facts from Chekhov's life.
54. Writing "Three Sisters" was especially difficult for Chekhov.
55.Dad Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was considered a religious person.
56. The writer was skeptical about translations of his own stories.
57. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov called Yalta "warm Siberia".
58. In 1901, Chekhov married his beloved woman.
59. Separation from his beloved affected the state of mind of the great writer.
60. Contemporaries called Chekhov's literature decadent and pessimistic.
61. Chekhov's wife after the death of her husband never married.
62. Olga Knipper and Anton Pavlovich Chekhov were secretly married.
63. For a long time, Chekhov's relatives did not know who would be their daughter-in-law.
64. Chekhov did not have a personal library.
65 In Monte Carlo, Anton Pavlovich lost about 900 francs.
66 In the 1890s, Chekhov visited Ceylon, a place where paradise was.
67 In Taganrog, Anton Pavlovich lived in wild solitude. This lasted for about 3 years. At that moment, he did not even have money for living.
68. During his student years, Chekhov had only 2 triples.
69. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was awarded the Pushkin Prize for writing a collection of short stories "In the twilight".
70. Chekhov became world famous after his own death.
71. Tolstoy did not like Chekhov's plays.
72 In the Melikhov estate, which Anton Pavlovich Chekhov bought, he planted about a hundred lilac bushes.
73.The famous writer spent most of his free time in the garden.
74. Chekhov had to give up the title of academician, and this decision became a public response.
75. Chekhov's first production with the title "The Seagull" failed.
76. Anton Pavlovich from an early age had to become the main breadwinner of the family.
77. In the collection of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov there were stamps from various countries, for example, from the USA, Latin America, Canada.
78. The hospitality of the great writer knew no bounds.
79. Chekhov lived in Melikhovo for about 7 years.
80. Chekhov managed to make a "revolution in literature."
81. Chekhov had about 5 pseudonyms with which he signed under the stories.
82. Chekhov climbed Mount Vesuvius.
83. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was actively involved in charity work.
84. His own portrait, which was painted by Joseph Braza, Chekhov called "unsuccessful."
85. In Olga Knipper Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was conquered by love of life.
86. Chekhov was a singer of pessimism and sadness.
87. At the age of 13, Chekhov had to visit a brothel.
88. Throughout his life, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov used the services of "affordable ladies".
89. Anton Pavlovich categorically avoided beautiful and smart girls.
90. Chekhov often wrote to his friends about his own intimate relations with prostitutes.
91. Chekhov had about 30 women.
92. At 26 years old, trying to marry Evdokia Efros, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov annulled the wedding and fled.
93. Chekhov was a loving person.
94. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov never wanted to marry, but Olga Knipper gave him an ultimatum.
95. Chekhov had no stories about happy love.
96. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov worked on the book "Sakhalin Island" for 5 years.
97. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is a writer of everyday life.
98. Chekhov suffered from consumption for about 20 years.
99. When Anton Pavlovich was attacked by critics, he wanted to commit suicide.
100. Women have always pursued the famous writer.