The First World War is considered a special era of mankind. Great-grandfathers told the younger generations many facts about the World War. How the first war took place, many know only from the stories of relatives and from books. Interesting facts about this event should be known to every self-respecting citizen of our Motherland.
1. More than 70 million people fought in the First World War.
2. Approximately 10 million soldiers died.
3. About 12 million civilians were killed by the First World War.
4. During the First World War, good trenches were built. They fit beds, wardrobes and even doorbells.
5. Used in the war about 30 types of various gases.
6. For the first time in the First World War, tanks were used in battles.
7. About 40,000 kilometers reached the trenches dug during the First World War.
8. During the First World War, machine guns began to be used.
9.Millions of soldiers who participated in the war suffered from embarrassment.
10. The Austro-Hungarian, Russian, German and Ottoman empires ceased to exist precisely as a result of the First World War.
11.At the end of the war in 1919, an organization was created - the League of Nations, which preceded the UN.
12. 38 states took part in the war.
13. Even famous people like Agatha Christie took part in the First World War. She was well versed in poisons and was a nurse.
14. Several times in the course of the war a truce was declared. This is evidenced by the facts about World War I.
15. During the First World War, cats were in the trenches. They were a warning for a gas attack.
16. Dogs were messengers in war. Capsules were tied to their bodies, and they delivered important documentation.
17) During the First World War, about 12 million troops were mobilized.
18 Doves were postmen during the First World War. Thanks to them, letters were transmitted.
19 George Ellison is considered the last British soldier to die in World War I.
20. Doves in World War I were trained for aerial photography.
21. During the First World War, France, trying to confuse the German pilots, built a "fake Paris".
22 Until the suppression of the war, German was the second most spoken language in the United States.
23 Canadians survived the first chemical attack during the First World War.
24. The military from Australia after World War I started the war with the emu.
25.During the First World War, the pigeon managed to save the lives of 198 soldiers from America.
26 Pharmacists only discovered heroin during World War I.
27. In this war, about 8 million horses were killed on the Western Front.
28 The rhythm master von Richthofen was the finest fighter pilot during the First World War. This is evidenced by the facts about World War 1.
29. In Great Britain during the First World War there was a memorial sign "Penny of the Dead".
30. The First World War was one of the bloodiest wars in human history.
31.The war lasted 4 years.
32. The First World War pushed humanity to the development of military technology.
33.The first steps the submarine fleet began to make during the First World War.
34. The largest weapon of war was considered the "Paris Cannon", which fires 210-pound shells.
35. During the First World War, about 75 thousand British grenades were created.
36. Every fourth soldier during the war was on duty during the night.
37. All trenches during the First World War were built in the form of zigzags.
38 During the First World War, the air temperature was so cold in winter that even bread froze.
39. World War I began after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.
40. The First World War is often called the "attack of the dead."
41. On the eve of the war, France had the largest army.
42. A third of all war victims died from the Spanish flu.
43.British tanks during the First World War were divided into "females" and "males".
44 Dogs in World War I laid telegraph wires.
45. Initially, during the First World War, tanks were called "land ships".
46 For America, World War I cost $ 30 billion.
47.During the First World War, battles took place on all oceans and continents.
48. The First World War is the sixth largest conflict in world history by the number of deaths.
49 In World War I, brown was a sign of Nazism.
50 Small horns were worn on German soldiers' helmets in World War I.
51. Pope of Rome during the war was a sergeant in the Italian army.
52. One of the monkeys during the First World War received a medal and was awarded the rank of corporal.
53. German helmets during the war years were equated with crossbows.
54.The air bombs used during the First World War weighed about 5-10 kg.
55.The main types of aviation were created during the First World War.
56. War is considered the ancestor of plastic surgery, because it was then that Harold Gillis decided to do the first operation.
57. The Russian army during the First World War numbered 12 million soldiers.
58 During the First World War, Hitler had to shave off his own mustache.
59 In war, the pigeon was called the "feathered warrior."
60 Many dogs found landmines on the battlefield during the First World War.
61. There were many Germans at Russia's disposal in the war.
62. Not only men fought for the Motherland, but also fragile women.
63. The trench coats worn during the war are still in trend today.
64.The first armored vehicles were tested in the First World War.
65. After the end of the First World War, Poland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania became independent countries.
66. Thousands of people after the war were left disabled and ugly.
67. Most of the battles took place precisely in European countries.
68. Repeatedly the First World War was called "world conflagration".
69. A lot of leaders went to the front to fight.
70. During the First World War, teenagers ran away from home to the front to fight.
71. N.N. did not lose a single battle of the First World War. Yudenich.
72 In the first chemical attacks during the war, Canadians used a handkerchief dipped in human urine as a filter.
73. Due to the fact that the word hamburger comes from the German word "Hamburg", Americans stopped using it during the war years.
74. Aviation became a full-fledged branch of the military precisely during the First World War.
75. Germany is considered the main victim of the First World War.
76 Tanks were first used in the Battle of Fleur-Courselet.
77. According to historians, the most striking consequence of the First World War is the USSR.
78. Blood transfusions learned to do only in the last years of the First World War.
79. The ranks of workers during the First World War were replenished with the fairer sex.
80.Disposable female pads are considered a war period invention.