Euclid (Euclid) is a great ancient Greek scientist and mathematician. One of his most famous works sets out in detail the foundations of geometry, planimetry, stereometry and number theory.
1. Translated from ancient Greek, Εὐκλείδης means “good glory”, “time of flourishing”.
2. There is very little biographical information about this person. It is only known for certain that Euclid lived and carried out his scientific activities in the III century. BC e. in Alexandria.
3. The teacher of the famous mathematician was no less great philosopher - Plato. Therefore, according to philosophical judgments, Euclid is naturally attributed to the Platonists, who considered only 4 elements to be the main one - earth, air, fire and water.
4. Given the minimum biographical data, there is a version that Euclid is not one person, but a group of scientists and philosophers under a single pseudonym.
5. In the notes of the mathematician Pappus of Alexandria, it is noted that Euclid, with special gentleness and courtesy, could even quickly change his opinion about a person. But only to someone who was interested in mathematics or could contribute to the development of this science.
6. The most famous work of Euclid "Beginnings" includes 13 books. Later, two more were added to these manuscripts - Gypsicles (200 AD) and Isidore of Miletus (VI century AD).
7. In the collection of works "Beginnings" were derived all the basic concepts of geometry known to date. On the basis of these data, to this day, schoolchildren and students study mathematics and there is even a term "Euclidean geometry".
8. There are 3 geometries in total - Euclid, Lobachevsky, Riemann. But it is the variant of the ancient Greek philosopher that is considered traditional.
9. Euclid personally formulated not only all the theorems, but also the axioms. The latter have survived unchanged and are used to this day, all but one - about parallel lines.
10. In the writings of Euclid, everything is subject to clear and rigorous logic, systematized. It is this style of presentation that is still considered an example of a mathematical (and not only) treatise.
11. Arab historians ascribe to Euclid the creation of several more works - on optics, music, astronomy, mechanics. The most famous are "Division of the Canon", "Harmonica", as well as work on weights and specific gravity.
12. All subsequent ancient Greek philosophers and mathematicians created their works based on the works of Euclid and left their comments and notes on the treatises of their predecessor. The most famous are Pappus, Archimedes, Apollonius, Heron, Porfiry, Proclus, Simplicius.
13. Quadrivium - the skeleton of all mathematical sciences according to the teachings of the Pythagoreans and Platonists, was considered a preliminary stage for the study of philosophy. The main sciences that make up the quadrivium are geometry, music, arithmetic, astronomy.
14. All music in the time of Euclid was written strictly according to mathematical canons and a clear calculation of sound.
15. Euclid was one of those who made an enormous contribution to the development of the most famous library - Alexandria. At that time, the library was not only a repository of books, but also functioned as a scientific center.
16. One of the most interesting and popular legends relates to the desire of Tsar Ptolemy I to master the basics of geometry from the works of Euclid. It was difficult for him to learn this science, but when asked about easier-to-understand methods, the famous scientist answered “There are no royal ways in geometry”.
17. Another (latinized) title of the most famous work of Euclid "Beginnings" - "Elements".
18. Such works of this ancient Greek mathematician as “On the division of figures” (partially preserved), “Data”, “Phenomena” are known and are still being studied.
19. According to the descriptions of other mathematicians and philosophers, some of the definitions of Euclid are known from his works "Conical sections", "Porisms", "Pseudaria".
20. The first translations of the Elements were made in the 11th century. by Armenian scientists. The books of this work were translated into Russian only in the 18th century.