Russian system of measures will be interesting not only for history lovers, but also for all connoisseurs of our past. Below are all sorts of information about the Russian system of measures. This information is interesting if only because it is not so easy to find them all in one place.
Well, we hope that now you will not have questions such as: "How many Arshin is this?", "What is the distance of versts?", "How many fathoms in meters is it?", "What is the mass of a pound?" etc.
So, before you the Russian system of measures in detail.
Measures of length
1 mile = 7 versts = 7.4676 km
1 verst = 500 fathoms = 1.0668 km
1 fathom = 3 arshins = 7 feet = 2.1336 m
1 yard = 16 vershoks = 28 inches = 0.7112 m
1 inch = 1.75 inches = 44.45 mm
1 foot = 12 inches = 0.3048 m
1 inch = 10 lines = 25.4 mm
1 line = 10 points = 2.54 mm
1 point = 1/1200 feet
Measures of liquid bodies
1 barrel = 40 buckets = 491.96 L
1 bucket = 4 quarters = 10 damasks = 12.299 liters
1 quarter = 2.5 damask = 5 vodka bottles = 3.0748 l
1 bottle (mug) = 2 vodka bottles = 10 cups = 1.2299 l
1 wine bottle = 1/16 bucket = 0.7687 l
1 vodka or beer bottle = 1/20 bucket = 5 cups = 0.615 l
1 cup = 1/100 bucket = 2 scales = 122.99 ml
1 scale = 1/200 bucket = 61.5 ml
1 berkovets = 10 pounds = 1.63805 centners
1 pood = 40 lbs = 16.3805 kg
1 lb = 32 lots = 96 spools = 409.51241 g
1 lot = 3 spools = 12.797g
1 spool = 96 lobes = 4.266 g
1 share = 44.43 mg Measures of body volume
1 cubic meter fathom = 27 cubic meters arshinam = 343 cubic meters ft = 9.7127 cubic meters m
1 cube of arshin = 4096 cbm vershoks = 21952 cubic meters inches
1 cube vershok = 5.3594 cc inches = 87.8244 cubic meters cm
1 cubic meter ft = 1728 cubic meters inches
1 cubic meter inch = 1000 cc lines = 16.3871 cubic meters cm
Area measures
1 sq. verst = 250,000 sq. fathoms = 1.1381 sq. km
1 sq. tithe = 2400 sq. fathoms = 1.0925 ha
1 sq. fathom = 9 sq. arshins = 49 sq. ft = 4.5522 sq. m
1 sq. arshin = 256 sq. vershoks = 784 sq. inches = 0.0929 sq. inch = 100 sq. lines = 6.4516 sq. cm
Bulk body measures
1 quarter = 2 octopuses = 8 quarters = 209.91 liters
1 octopus = 4 quadruples = 104.95 liters
1 quarter = 8 garnets = 26.239 l
1 garnet = 1/8 quadruple = 3.2798 l