Confidence quotes can appeal to and inspire even those without self-esteem problems. That is why we decided to make a selection with the best quotes and aphorisms about self-confidence.
Self-confidence - This is a personality trait, the essence of which is a positive assessment of one's own skills, abilities and abilities, as well as an understanding that they are enough to achieve significant goals and satisfy all human needs.
In this case, self-confidence should be distinguished from self-confidence.
Overconfidence - this is an unfounded confidence in the absence of minuses and negative character traits, which inevitably leads to negative consequences. Therefore, when people say about someone that they are self-confident, they usually mean negative connotations.
So, self-confidence is bad, and self-confidence is not only good, but also necessary for a full life of any person.
We have already discussed these concepts in detail in the article “How to develop self-confidence”. Recommended for reading.
But now here are selected quotes about confidence.
Confidence quotes and aphorisms
A false note played ineptly is just a false note. A false note played with confidence is improvisation.
Bernard Weber
You can only be sure that you cannot be sure of anything.
Pliny the Elder
If something is beyond your strength, then do not yet decide that it is generally impossible for a person. But if something is possible for a person and is characteristic of him, then consider that it is available to you.
Marcus Aurelius
We do not so much need the help of friends as in the confidence that we will receive it.
Lack of self-respect results in as many vices as of excessive self-respect.
All dignity, all strength are calm - precisely because they are confident in themselves.
Tackle an easy task as if it is difficult, and tackle a difficult task as if it is easy. In the first case, so that confidence does not turn into carelessness; in the second, uncertainty turns into shyness. B
Balthazar Gracian
In happiness, one should not be self-confident, and in trouble one should not lose confidence in oneself.
Those who are confident in their abilities win. Those who are unable to overcome fear every day have not yet learned their first lesson in life.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Confidence is born of doubt - moreover, doubt leads to confidence.
Maurice Merleau-Ponty
The problem with this world is that fools and fanatics are too confident, and smart people are full of doubts.
Lack of confidence likes to show constant energy.
Robert Walser
The losers are the most confident about the secrets of success.
Marcel Ashar
Whether it is early or late, but they certainly reach the goal, if they strive for it with the confidence that genius or instinct inspires.
A person who was the undisputed favorite of his mother carries through his whole life a feeling of a winner and confidence in good luck, which often lead to real success.
Sigmund Freud
Confidence is the most powerful creative force.
If your friends have the same confidence in themselves as you do, this prevents jealousy or jealousy of your success.
Self-confidence is the first prerequisite for great endeavors.
Samuel Johnson
When I was twenty, I recognized only myself. At thirty I already said: "I and Mozart", at forty: "Mozart and I," and now I say only: "Mozart."
Composer Charles Gounod
Anyone who thinks he can do without others is greatly mistaken; but the one who thinks that others cannot do without it is even more mistaken.
Self-confidence is the foundation of our confidence in others.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Self-confidence is the foundation of our confidence in others.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld
(see selected quotes by La Rochefoucauld)
To have talent, you need to be sure that you have it.
Gustave Flaubert
The one who is confident in his own attractiveness becomes attractive.
It's amazing how determination, courage, and willpower awaken from the belief that we are doing our duty.
Walter Scott
Feminine guessing is more accurate than masculine confidence.
Every woman is as beautiful as she is confident in herself.
Self-confidence is not a belief in your own perfection, but independence from others' assessments of your imperfection.
There are two equally convenient positions: either to be sure of everything, or to doubt everything; both eliminate the need to think.
A weak person hesitates before making a decision; strong - after.
Karl Kraus
People seek confidence and self-esteem anywhere but within themselves, and so they fail in their search.
Nathaniel Branden
Self-doubt is the root of most of our failures.
Christian Bowie
What a person thinks about himself determines, or rather directs, his destiny.
Henry Thoreau
They can do anything, because they are sure that they can do anything.
Consciousness of your strength multiplies it.
Luc de Vauvenargue
In a sense, each person is what he thinks of himself.
Francis Bradley
Don't underestimate the person who overestimates himself.
Theodore Roosevelt
People only trust those who are confident in themselves.
Avoid those who try to undermine your self-confidence. This trait is characteristic of small people. A great person, on the other hand, makes you feel like you can accomplish a lot.
Not sure - don't hesitate.
Alexander Zayats
He who speaks about his merits himself is ridiculous, but who does not realize them is stupid.
“Maybe” - forever these two words, without which it was impossible to do in any way. Confidence was what I lacked. It was the confidence that everyone lacked.
The first step is to believe in yourself. Do not look for help on the side, do not wait for others to approve and support you, but do it yourself. Step over your fear, through your embarrassment, doubt, and say: “Yes, I can! And I will definitely succeed! "
Angel de Cuatie
Although this is stupid, but, really, our self-confidence suffers if we do not see all the stocks collected in one place, and can not at a glance determine the volume of everything we own.
I never defeat a person while fighting for something. I defeat his confidence. A doubting brain cannot concentrate on winning. Two people are absolutely equal only when they have the same amount of confidence.
Arthur Golden
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