What is a trigger? Today, this word is often heard in conversation with people, on television or in the press. In this article, we will consider not only the meaning of this term, but also the areas in which it is applied.
What is a trigger?
A trigger means some human action that defies explanation. That is, illogical actions that make people act automatically.
At the beginning, this concept was applied only in radio engineering, but later it began to be found in psychology, everyday life, medicine and other fields.
The human brain reacts to the external environment, which provokes a trigger and leads to automatic action. As a result, the individual begins to realize his decisions and actions only with time.
It is worth noting that triggers help to relax the human psyche, since he does not have to intensely reflect on certain actions.
Thanks to this, people do some work automatically, without fully understanding what they are doing. For example, a person can only realize after some time that he has already combed his hair, brushed his teeth, fed a pet, etc.
However, there are also disadvantages. Under the influence of triggers, a person is more easily manipulated and more likely to make mistakes.
Trigger on Instagram
Thanks to Instagram and other social networks, a person gets rid of boredom, makes purchases, communicates with friends and does many other interesting things.
Over time, the user becomes so dependent on all of the above that he cannot live an hour without Instagram. He monitors the posting of new photos and videos, fearing to miss something new.
In this case, the application acts as an external trigger. Soon, a person is so keen on virtual life that he moves to meet already internal triggers.
Trigger in psychology
The trigger acts as an external stimulus. It is he who can awaken certain impressions in a person that will transfer him to automatic mode.
Sounds, smells, images, sensations and other factors can act as stimuli.
An interesting fact is that many people understand how to influence others through triggers. Thus, they can manipulate them.
Trigger in medicine
In medicine, such a term is practiced as trigger points. For example, they can cause unfavorable changes in the body or provoke an exacerbation of a chronic disease.
Trigger points can hurt continuously, and the pain intensifies depending on the load. However, there are those that only hurt when you press them.
Trigger in marketing
Triggers are the lifesaver for most businesses and stores. With their help, marketers are able to increase sales of almost any product.
Various actions or emotional components are used. Today's marketers scrutinize triggers to influence customers to make purchases.
Trigger in electronics
Every storage device needs a trigger. It is the main component of any system of such a device. Typically, triggers store a small amount of information, which includes different codes and bits.
There are many types of triggers in electronics. Typically they are used in signal generation and transmission.
In many ways, the trigger plays the role of an automatic mechanism forcing to perform certain actions at the subconscious level. This makes life easier for many people in everyday life, but it also complicates, making them a target for manipulation.