What is annotation? Today this word can be heard from people or found on the Internet. However, not everyone knows the true meaning of this concept.
In this article we will explain what the word "annotation" means and when it is appropriate to use it.
What does annotation mean
An abstract is a summary of a book, article, patent, film or other publication, or text, as well as its characteristics.
This word is derived from the Latin "annotatio", which literally means a comment or summary.
Today, this term often means an announcement or commentary on something. For example, you've watched a feature film or read a work. After that, you may be required to annotate, that is, to summarize the material with which you have read, and, if necessary, give it an assessment.
Annotation helps people find out what a book, film, game, TV show, computer program, etc. is. Thanks to this, a person can understand what he should expect from a particular product.
Agree that today in the world there is so much diverse information that it is simply impossible for a person to reread, revise and try everything. However, with the help of annotation, a person can understand whether he will be interested in this or that material.
Nowadays, collections of annotations devoted to various topics are quite popular. For example, there are many movie sites that have thousands of annotated films. This allows the user to get acquainted with the summary of the pictures and choose the one that will interest him.
Also, annotations can be seen in almost every book (on the back of the cover, or on the back of the title page). Thus, the reader can find out what the book will be about. As discussed earlier, annotations can be used in very different areas.