What is differentiation? This word is not often found, however, it can still be seen periodically on the Internet, or heard on TV. Many do not know what is meant by this term, and, therefore, do not understand when it is appropriate to use it.
In this article, we will tell you what differentiation means and what it can be.
What does differentiation mean
Differentiation (lat. differentia - difference) - separation, separation of processes or phenomena into their constituent parts. In simple terms, differentiation is the process of dividing one into parts, degrees or stages.
For example, the world population can be differentiated (divided) into races; the alphabet - into vowels and consonants; music - into genres, etc.
It is worth noting that differentiation is typical for a wide variety of areas: economics, psychology, politics, geography and many others.
In this case, differentiation always takes place on the basis of any signs. For example, in the field of geography, Japan is a state that produces high-quality equipment, Switzerland - watches, UAE - oil.
In fact, differentiation often helps structure information, education, academia, and many other areas. Moreover, this process can be observed both on a small and large scale.
The antonym of the concept of differentiation is the word - integration. Integration, on the other hand, is the process of combining parts into a single whole. Moreover, both of these processes underlie the development of sciences and the evolution of mankind.
Thus, having heard one of the terms, you will be able to understand what it is about - about separation (differentiation) or about unification (integration). Although both concepts have a "formidable sound," in reality they are relatively simple and straightforward.