Most people consider America to be the most successful and developed country in the world. Of course, this is not the whole truth. For example, the United States is dominant in size and population, has a highly developed economy, high wages, low unemployment, natural resources, good cars and comfortable homes. Many people want to live in America. The country offers not only work, but also leisure for every taste. There is everything here: sea and mountains, endless deserts and caves, rivers and lakes, wild animals and unique plants. Next, we suggest reading more interesting and surprising facts about America.
1. Most American families receive social assistance from the state for more than 48% of total income.
2. America has accumulated a huge amount of debt during the presidency of President Obama.
3. The share of total debt per family has increased by $ 35,000 since Barack Obama became president.
4. American debt is growing by more than $ 4 billion every day.
5. According to experts' forecasts, by 2080 the public debt will reach 715% of the public GDP.
6. In the form of interest on the public debt, the US paid the public debt in 2004.
7. According to research, one in three Americans will not be able to pay a mortgage.
8. More than 22% of government GDP has reached America's debt this year.
9. Only 11% of all revenues came from government transfer payments.
10. The American government pays more income to their families than they pay taxes.
11. More than 154% is the debt of American families relative to their income.
12. Every American citizen has over 10 credit cards.
13. Only 9% is spent by the American citizen on health care.
14. Problems with paying for health insurance are more than 41% of all American citizens.
15. Currently, more than 49 million American citizens do not have health insurance.
16. More than 60% of all bankruptcies, the main reason is precisely medical insurance.
17. In 28 thousand dollars on average increased the cost of training in American educational institutions.
18. Since 1978, tuition fees have risen 900% in America.
19. Graduates with credits make up the majority of US graduates.
20. Student deposits are $ 25,000.
21. In the United States, debt on loans is considered the largest in the country.
22. Ultimately, most students are engaged in work that does not require higher education.
23. More than 100,000 college-educated janitors work in America now.
24. More than 300 thousand waiters in the United States have higher education.
25. About 375 American cashiers have college degrees.
26. The country hopes to make huge profits from oil exports.
27. American oil companies make about 200 billion in profits annually.
28. More than $ 7 trillion is the state budget deficit.
29. On average, more than 50 thousand specialists lose their jobs in America per month.
30. The government trade deficit is 27 times larger than in 1990.
31. The largest PC market in the world is China, which surpassed the United States in terms of volume.
32. More than $ 16 billion has been the US commodity deficit since 2002.
33. America in 2010 exported a large amount of garbage and scrap metal.
34. In 2010, the car deficit was over $ 120 billion.
35.Since 2000, America has lost more than 33% of jobs.
36.Since 2001, more than 42,000 jobs have been closed in the United States.
37. Ohio has lost over 35% of jobs since 2002.
38. Today, only 9% of all jobs are associated with manufacturing.
39. Over the next two decades, 40,000,000 jobs could be sent offshore.
40. America will take about 68th place in the world in terms of the number of unemployed citizens.
41. Jobs are rapidly declining in America every year.
42. The majority of workers are declining at the expense of the male population.
43. Last year, only 55% of the total working population of America worked.
44. More than 6 million Americans live with their parents.
45. Men are twice as likely to live with their parents.
46. More than 15% of the population is worried about their financial future.
47. Only 30% of American teens were able to find work this summer.
48. The average salary in the country has decreased by 27%.
49. Last year, the country lost more than 10% of jobs for the middle class.
50. More than 52% of the entire working population in America earned an average income in 1980.
51. In 1980, over 30% of US jobs were considered to be underpaid.
52. The average American earns no more than $ 10 per hour.
53. An American citizen earns no more than $ 505 per week on average.
54. Average household income has declined by 7% on average since 2007.
55. Up to 80% of the total sales of real estate in the United States.
56. In 2009, the lowest record for new home sales in the United States was set.
57. Prices for new homes have dropped 33% this year.
58. US house prices have fallen by $ 6 trillion since the onset of the housing crisis.
59. All 18% of homes in Florida are considered unoccupied.
60. About 4.5% of all mortgage loans are not repaid.
61. On a mortgage loan, at least 8 million Americans are late payments.
62. More than 77% of American citizens now live paycheck to paycheck.
63. The baby boom has been the hit of retirement age since 2011.
64. About 90% of American citizens are concerned about their financial situation upon retirement.
65. One in six Americans is below the poverty line.
66.16 American workers were paid retirement benefits in 1950.
67. The financial support system makes payments of a substantial amount compared to 2010.
68. The US Social Fund may end five years earlier.
69. There is a lack of $ 3200 billion to provide the population with pensions.
70. Americans need 6.6 billion dollars for a comfortable pension.
71. The number of citizens who filed for bankruptcy from 1991 to 2007 has increased by as much as 178%.
72. More than 40% of the working population plan to work the rest of their lives.
73. Last year, about 3 million American citizens became poor.
74. Since 2001, more than 11% of Americans were considered poor.
75. More than 50 million Americans participate in the American Social Program.
76. More than 45 million Americans currently receive Food Stamps.
77. Since 2007, the number of Americans receiving food has increased by 78%.
78. In Alabama, one third of the population uses food stamps.
79. One in four children in America feeds on food stamps.
80. Experts predict that more than 50% of all children in the United States will feed on food.
81. The poverty rate among children has increased to 22% before 2010.
82. More than 30% of all children are food insecure in America.
83. More than 32% is the Food Security Index in Washington DC.
84. More than 20,000,000 American children are hoping for a school feeding program.
85. Currently, more than half a million children may be homeless.
86. The number of children who go to the free canteen has increased by 46%.
87. An American director receives 343 times more money than an ordinary American.
88. A third of all the wealth of America is owned by 1% of wealthy Americans.
89. More than 2.5% of all American wealth is owned by a poor community of citizens.
90. Congress has the highest percentage of millionaires.
91. In 2006, only 17% of Americans were self-employed.
92. More than 90% of the American population consider the country's economic conditions to be poor.
93. But other polls show an optimistic view of the American population.
94. The price of similar goods has grown by $ 100 for 40 years.
95. During the last financial crisis, 16.1 billion in secret loans were disbursed.
96. US debt has increased 4,700 times this year.
97. 28% of all Americans have never heard of the Federal Reserve.
98. There has been no rain in California for two years.
99. More than 47 trillion dollars are printed in America every year.
100. Six time zones are in the United States.