1. Under the influence of alcohol, all human organs are destroyed.
2. All alcoholic beverages must contain ethyl alcohol.
3. Alcohol is found in modern wine, beer and vodka.
4. Ethyl alcohol is a strong drug.
5. Through the intestinal wall, ethyl alcohol is absorbed into the body and enters the bloodstream and liver.
6. Alcoholics are characterized by absent-mindedness, memory loss and schizophrenia.
7. The intoxication of a person depends on the concentration of alcohol in the blood.
8. Alcoholism is accompanied by profound changes in the reproductive system.
9. A drunk person has a deteriorating ability for active concentration.
10. A drunk person is often distracted by minor interference.
11. Superficial associations and dizziness in a drunk person prevail.
12. The ability of the auditory and visual analyzer decreases during an increase in intoxication.
13. For the implementation of a motor reaction and decision-making, the required time increases.
14. Coordination of movement deteriorates under the influence of alcohol.
15. When solving any problems, the number of errors in a drunk person increases.
16. A person under the influence of alcohol often underestimates his capabilities and does not understand the seriousness of the situation.
17. The state of intoxication usually lasts for several hours.
18. After some time, there are violations of coordination of movements, behavior and mental functions.
19. Significantly reduce, after exiting the state of intoxication, all functional characteristics of the organism.
20. The middle stage of intoxication is characterized by carelessness and heightened mood.
21. Fatal acts are often performed in a state of moderate intoxication.
22. A drunk man controls his body with difficulty.
23. In severe intoxication, a person cannot walk in a straight line.
24. Speech becomes indistinct and slow.
25. A drunk person repeats the same phrases several times.
26. Dizziness is often felt with moderate intoxication.
27. Illusions and unawareness of the surrounding world may appear.
28. Weakness and a feeling of fatigue replaces the cheerful mood.
29. Gradually, moderate intoxication turns into sleep.
30. General performance decreases under the influence of alcohol.
31. A drunk person can become the culprit of an accident.
32. After intoxication, there is also a long-term decline in performance.
33. It takes quite a long time for the body to fully recover from alcohol exposure.
34. Alcohol causes certain changes in the recovery processes of the body.
35. There is a decrease in blood sugar levels for some time after alcohol withdrawal.
36. The appearance of symptoms of deep intoxication is characterized by a severe degree of intoxication.
37. The unconscious state of intoxication does not always end happily.
38. In most cases, alcoholism is an intractable disease.
39. The best mental state is drunkenness for alcoholics.
40. The alcoholic directs all his energy to getting alcohol.
41. As a rule, alcoholics lose the gag reflex.
42. The first sign of alcoholism is increased resistance to alcohol.
43. Alcohol tolerance suddenly decreases in the later stages of alcoholism.
44. Delirium tremens is the final stage of alcoholism.
45. In the form of delirium tremens, psychosis appears more often.
46. In some cases, alcohol abuse causes epilepsy.
47. Expressed changes in the body are caused by each use of alcohol.
48. The patient loses consciousness for a few seconds from alcoholic epilepsy.
49. The average life expectancy of an alcoholic is reduced by 15%.
50. Inability to breastfeed children is a symptom of alcoholism in women.
51. Alcoholic beverages have a significant effect on fertility.
52. Alcoholism leads to early aging.
53. The alcoholic looks older than his age.
54. The negative influence of wine on offspring has long been known.
55. Stillborn children are more often born to alcoholics.
56. Drinking wine at your own wedding was considered a bad sign in Russia.
57. The contact of the fetus with alcohol is dangerous for the mental and physical consequences.
58. Exposure to alcohol during pregnancy can lead to fetal underdevelopment.
59. Nervous disorders in a child are caused by alcohol, which enters the body together with breast milk.
60. The French physician Demme, in the last century, began to study the negative effects of alcohol.
61. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy has the same effect on the body of the mother and the baby.
62. A child inherits mental disorders from alcoholic parents.
63. Addiction to alcohol is transmitted genetically.
64. There can be no craving for alcohol in a healthy child.
65. Curiosity pushes children to drink alcohol.
66. Alcohol is concentrated in the child's brain after it enters the body.
67. All organs of a child suffer from regular alcohol consumption.
68. Diabetes mellitus may develop in adolescents from alcohol abuse.
69. Significant changes are observed in the human brain under the influence of alcohol.
70. Alcohol clots blood in human blood vessels.
71. It is the feeling of freedom that prompts people to abuse alcoholic beverages.
72. Russia is not the first country that began to die out under the influence of alcohol.
73. The Indians were subdued by the alcoholic beverage.
74. Two thirds of the world's population do not drink alcohol.
75. More than 40 countries live in dry law today.
76. 80 states live in the law of sobriety.
77. There are more than 700 sober peoples on Earth.
78. A registration system for alcoholics has been introduced in Norway.
79.100 ml of beer contains 12 grams of poison.
80.20 grams of poison is contained in 100 ml of wine.
81. Beer was considered a non-alcoholic drink in Kievan Rus.
82. Freshly squeezed grape juice was wine in Russia.
83.17 grams of poison is contained in 100 ml of champagne.
84.100 ml of vodka contains 40 grams of poison.
85. In Kievan Rus, the population consumed a large amount of alcohol.
86.40 grams of poison is contained in 100 ml of cognac.
87. 100 ml of moonshine contains 70 grams of poison.
88. Alcohol makes various cocktail additions attractive.
89. A person can die if he takes alcohol at the rate of 8 grams per 1 kg of weight.
90. Alcohol brings a person into a state of anesthesia.
91. In some American subcultures there are entire cults of alcohol worship.
92. Yeast urine is alcohol.
93. Yeast, water and sugar create an intoxicating effect.
94. Ethyl alcohol with wine forms champagne.
95. Any organic matter can be turned into alcohol by yeast fungi.
96. In reality, the champagne surrogate is sold in Russian stores.
97. No government can influence the alcoholic Russian mafia.
98. Beer is not considered alcohol in Russia.
99. The alcoholic mafia enjoys media support.
100. About a million people die from alcohol in Russia every year.