The most popular and demanded language in the world is English. Today, English is taught in most schools and universities. It is this language that makes it possible to occupy high-paying positions and ensure a comfortable future. Next, we suggest looking at more interesting and amazing facts about the English language in order to have fun and usefully spend your free time.
1. In third place in terms of popularity is English.
2. A short sentence in English consists of three letters: I am / I do.
3. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest word in the English language.
4. The word "set" has over 44 different meanings.
5. The letter "E" is used most often in English.
6. Town is the oldest word in the English language.
7. "God be with ye" is the full version of the word "goodbye".
8. The English word "slave" is directly related to the Slavs.
9. Only with these words: month, orange, silver, purple, English poets cannot find rhyme.
10. “The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick” is the most difficult English tongue twister.
11. The letter "I" is repeated six times in the word "indivisibility".
12. The consonant in the English word "Goddessship" is repeated three times in a row.
13. All letters of the English alphabet are found in the English phrase "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog".
14. Nine variants of the letter combination "ough" are found in the phrase "A rough-coated, dough-faced, thoughtful plowman strode through the streets of Scarborough; after falling into a slough, he coughed and hiccoughed. "
15. TITTLE is called in English a dot above the letter "i".
16. The letters in the English word "Almost" are in alphabetical order.
17. The ending "dous" has only four words in English.
18. In English, one word "Underground" begins and ends with "und".
19. Only your left hand can type the long word "Stewardesses".
20. "Ampersand" is the English character "&".
21. The pronunciation of the single English word "queue" has not changed.
22. "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo" is an interesting English sentence.
23. “Go” is the shortest expression in English.
24. The names of all continents in English end with the same letter.
25. More than 800 thousand words are the vocabulary in the English language.
26. There are over 200 synonyms for drunk in English.
27. In one upper line of the keyboard, you can type the English word "typewriter".
28. From the Latin word "sal" comes the English word "salary".
29. More than 80% of pages on the Internet are written in English.
30. English is illegal to speak in the state of Illinois.
31. Currently, over 700 people around the world are studying English.
32. The only English word "Dreamt" ends with "mt".
33. The English word "screech" consists of one syllable.
34. The longest word in the Oxford Dictionary is "Floccinaucinihilipilification".
35. The word "Floccinaucinihilipilification" was coined by Shakespeare.
36. The Speaker of the House of Commons in England does not speak.
37. Not a single letter is repeated in the English word "uncopyrightable".
38. Every letter of the alphabet can be found in The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
39. There are two English words "facetious" and "abstemious" polyindromes.
40. English has a large number of synonyms in the world.
41. More than 2 billion people in the world speak English.
42. The word “rule of thumb” comes from ancient English law.
43. English has German roots.
44. English became the language of the peasants after 1066.
45. More than 250 million people speak English in the United States.
46. More than 125 million people speak in India.
47. There are over 125 dialects of the English language.
48. The English word “Restaurant” is most often typed with mistakes on the Internet.
49. There were no separate signs in English until the 15th century.
50. There are four times more words in English than in Russian.
51. The denominator "I" is written with a capital letter only in English.
52. The Russian word "station" is obliged to the English language.
53. “Herd of giraffes” is another meaning of the word “tower”.
54. McDonald's doesn't like the word "McJob".
55. The word "sniper" is similar to the name of the snipe in English.
56. Changes in the English language were very slow.
57. The word "set" has the most interpretation.
58. Thanks to the deaf footballer, the word "huddle" appeared in the English language.
59. Three pairs of letters are located in one sequence in the word "bookkeeper".
60. Short feminine word “widow”.
61.1909 letters contains the longest English word.
62. The English word “queue” is pronounced like a simple letter “q”.
63. People who regularly study English have thick and silky hair, since the reduction of English sounds in colloquial speech does not harm the hair roots.
64. Very useful for fine motor skills to tear the British flag.
65. Demonstration of knowledge of the English language contributes to career growth.
66. A person who knows English has a beautiful brain.
67. You will dream of the London sky if you repeat the expression “London is the capital of Great Britain” a hundred times.
68. It is more productive to communicate with business partners in English.
69. Men who know English are more likely to look after their appearance.
70. English-speaking people learn about fluctuations in the dollar exchange rate much earlier.
71. The English language promotes the expansion of consciousness.
72. Without vowels, the English word “Rhythm” is.
73. The word "four" has a number of letters that correspond to its meaning.
74. No letter is repeated twice in the English word "Uncopyrightable".
75. If you read it, the English sentence “WAS IT A CAR OR A CAT I SAW.
76. The grade of clay in ancient times meant the English word "pygg".
77. It is customary to make a piggy bank in the shape of a pig through a kind of clay called "pygg".
78. The English word "Hood" is translated as a hood.
79. The English word "trailer" means "to follow the trail."
80. The word "guy" comes from the young man Guy Fawkes.
81. It took 20 years to create the first American dictionary.
82. Once upon a time "pants" was a dirty word in England.
83. You can learn English in one year.
84. More than 800 million people are currently learning English.
85. More than 90% of scientific literature is published in English.
86. Knowledge in IT companies is required from the Intermediate level.
87. More than 400 million people consider English as their first language.
88. The word "OK" was the first word spoken on the moon.
89. From the word "God bye" comes the English expression "goodbye".
90. In English, there is only one form of address "you" and "you".
91. The English word "butterfly" consists of two parts.
92. In the English language there was a & sign in the alphabet for some time.
93. The rarest letter in the English language "Q".
94. Writer Ernest Vincent Wright has a novel called Gadsby with over 50,000 words. In the entire novel, there is not a single letter E (the most common letter in the English language).
95. The first mentions of the English language date back to 800 BC.
96. More than a billion people speak English today.
97. The language of the Internet is English.
98. The richest language on the planet is English.
99. More than 80% of the world's information is stored in English.
100. English is the third most popular language in the world after Spanish.