Lomonosov's life is multifaceted. In childhood, this man tried to reread every book and thanks to this he became the one who was able to win the attention of others and make a great contribution to the scientific development of mankind.
1. Lomonosov managed to improve the telescope.
2. He managed to predict the existence of Antarctica.
3. Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov is considered an outstanding encyclopedist.
4. Lomonosov is the only child in the family of a 30-year-old Pomor and a deacon's daughter.
5.Mother of Mikhail Vasilyevich died when he was 9 years old.
6. At the age of 19, Lomonosov secretly ran away from his parents, because he decided to get to Moscow.
7. Lomonos's journey on a fish train lasted for 3 weeks.
8. Mikhail Lomonosov had a scholarship, which was 3 kopecks.
9.The wife of Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was the daughter of a brewer.
10. The most important achievement of Lomonosov is the corpuscular-kinetic theory of heat, according to which many theories and hypotheses were created.
11. The foundations of physical chemistry were also created by Lomonosov.
12. Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov managed to develop his own theory of color and light.
13. About 10 optical instruments were created by Lomonosov.
14. The theory of electricity was developed by this scientist.
15. In honor of Peter the Great, Lomonosov wrote odes, and according to one version, it is believed that he is his son.
16. Lomonosov preferred to eat fish.
17. Abbreviations in Russian were introduced by Lomonosov.
18. Lomonosov was annoyed by the fact that his contemporaries considered it "unfashionable" to study science.
19. Lomonosov astronomical discoveries are considered truly amazing.
20. Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was considered a polyglot: he could speak 19 languages fluently, and 12 languages were native to him.
21. Lomonosov had bad relations with the church.
22. Mikhail Vasilyevich did not die in a duel, but died of a serious illness.
23. Mikhail Lomonosov is the first person to prove that Venus has an atmosphere.
24. Lomonosov easily changed his own mood from joy to anger and vice versa.
25. Childhood years of little Lomonosov were not joyful.
26.Due to the fact that Lomonosov was a hardworking and persistent person, in 1736 he was sent to Germany to study as the best student.
27. Lomonosov worked for a long time at the Academy of Sciences.
28. Lomonosov is the man who was ahead of his time.
29. Mikhail Lomonosov was also a poet and writer.
30. After the death of Lomonosov's mother, his father married twice more.
31. The key provisions of the kinetic theory of gases were created by Lomonosov.
32.The famous scientist had a huge number of envious people and enemies, and the omnipotent Schumacher was one of them.
33 In 1757, Lomonosov became chancellor.
34. Mikhail Lomonosov was the first to understand that plants and animals of a distant geological era were not only preserved as separate fossilized remains, but also took part in the appearance of a layer of earth.
35.At the end of his own life, Mikhail Vasilyevich was elected an honorary member of the Bologna and Stockholm Academy.
36. Moscow University was established on the initiative of Lomonosov.
37. Lomonosov had 3 daughters and 1 son.
38. Lomonosov was buried at the Lazarevskoye cemetery.
39. In one year, Lomonosov managed to finish 3 classes.
40. His classmates were small, and he was an adult, and therefore there was a lot of ridicule.
41. Lomonosov made a huge contribution to the development of the theory of heat.
42. The scientific language was developed by Lomonosov.
43. Lomonosov published many poems.
44. Lomonosov beat three robbers who wanted to steal money from his pocket.
45. While studying abroad, Mikhail Vasilyevich not only studied the exact sciences, but was also able to master the art of fencing.
46. Despite the fact that Lomonosov was calm, he was considered brave.
47. Lomonosov managed to finish writing "Ancient Russian History" - a fundamental work on history before his own death.
48. The law of conservation of matter was discovered by Lomonosov.
49. The theory of atmospheric vertical currents was also invented by Mikhail Vasilievich.
50. A great contribution to the development of literature was received from Lomonosov.
51. Lomonosov left to his contemporaries not only a scientific, but also a creative legacy.
52. The Polar Map was drawn up by Lomonosov.
53. Lomonosov was imprisoned.
54. Lomonosov died at 54.
55. Lomonosov is a legendary man.
56. Mikhail Vasilyevich is not only an intelligent person, but also cunning.
57. Lomonosov is the inventor of inorganic elements such as porcelain and glass.
58. Lomonosov wrote the first Russian grammar.
59. The discovery of the cryosphere, which was made by Mikhail Vasilyevich, was confirmed.
60. Lomonosov and his father had a far from idyllic relationship.
61. In 1731, Mikhail Lomonosov studied in Moscow at the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy.
62. The great scientist is the founder of the syllabo-tonic versification.
63. Lomonosov created a Russian ode with a philosophical meaning.
64. In their dreams, the parents saw Lomonosov as a peasant and a fisherman.
65. Lomonosov is the father of Russian science.
66. Lomonosov remained in the memory of people as a great scientist and patriot.
67. Above all, Lomonosov was interested in meteorology.
68. Mikhail Vasilyevich over the years of his life wrote tragedies for the court theater.
69. According to Lomonosov's assumptions, the heat of bodies is considered the internal rotational motion of particles.
70. Lomonosov had a dissertation on the topic: "Reflections on the cause of heat and cold."
71. Lomonosov liked to eat.
72. Astronomy had an important place in the life of Lomonosov.
73. Mikhail Vasilyevich in relation to the ministers of the church allowed himself to speak obscenely.
74. The structure of the Earth was described by Lomonosov.
75. Lomonosov managed to publish a guide to metallurgy.
76. The production of smalt and the art of mosaic was revived by this very scientist.
77. Lomonosov was considered a supporter of deism.
78. Atomic-molecular concepts concerning the structure of matter were developed by Lomonosov.
79. This man was the first of the inhabitants who was able to build a ship for himself.
80. Lomonosov studied Russian history with particular seriousness.
81. Lomonosov was able to create a device thanks to which you can see in the dark.
82. Earthquakes and the age of the Earth were studied by this scientist.
83. Lomonosov was considered a peasant.
84. Lomonosov was interested exclusively in physical research.
85. Many chemical industries were opened by Mikhail Vasilievich.
86. After his own wedding, Lomonosov was considered almost the richest man in the district.
87 Lomonosov fled to Moscow when he found out that his father wanted to marry him.
88. Lomonosov actively studied electricity.
89. Lomonosov and Elizabeth Zilch had a wedding, which took place in the Church of the Reformation of Marburg.
90. On the part of the academic bureaucracy, Mikhail Vasilyevich regularly felt petty control and dependence.
91. Lomonosov - Monogamous, because he experienced tender feelings only in relation to his wife.
92. Lomonosov never had time for rest and entertainment.
93. Lomonosov attended balls with his wife. At one of these balls, Elizaveta Petrovna (Russian Empress from 11/25/1741 to 12/25/1761) gave Lomonosov's wife an original fan.
94. Before his death, Lomonosov managed to say goodbye to his wife and daughters.
95. Poverty and the Pope's regular reproaches were painful for Lomonosov.
96. From the age of 10, Mikhail helped his dad.
97. Lomonosov's merits were in the glass business.
98. The current university of Moscow State University is the creation of Mikhail Lomonosov.
99. The first daughter of Lomonosov was born even before the wedding, so she can be considered illegitimate.
100. Lomonosov was noted in almost all branches of science.