1. Interesting dragonfly facts say that dragonflies try to calculate the distance to kill.
2. The dragonfly has well-developed eyes.
3. At the same time, dragonflies can see in several directions.
4. Dragonflies are considered effective.
5. In a swarm, dragonflies are able to isolate their own prey.
6. Dragonflies never stop eating.
7. These insects are able to move their wings in any sequence and alternately.
8. Interesting facts about dragonflies confirm that dragonflies can crush their own prey to a mushy state.
9. A dragonfly is a rapist.
10. Even small dragonflies are busy hunting from childhood.
11. The dragonfly is the fastest flying insect.
12. The speed of dragonflies develops up to 57 km / h.
13. Dragonflies are insects.
14. Dragonflies are considered the most dangerous predators.
15. Dragonflies occupy the most prominent place in nature.
16. These insects are capable of sensing ultraviolet light.
17. Dragonflies are fast-flying insects.
18. Dragonflies are always hungry.
19. A dragonfly can eat 5 flies at a time.
20. A dragonfly is able to capture a spider from its web.
21. Killing its own prey, this insect shoots a stream of water into it.
22 In the eyes of dragonflies there are up to 30 thousand small elements.
23. The dragonfly is considered deaf.
24. Dragonflies, eating harmful insects, benefit humans.
25.The dragonflies are divided into 3 suborders.
26. The head of dragonflies can turn in any direction.
27. Dragonflies have a highly developed jaw.
28. Male dragonflies are endowed with a secondary copulatory apparatus.
29. The efficiency of hunting dragonflies reaches 95%.
30. During the hunt, dragonflies usually turn on the brain.
31. Dragonflies have a short life path.
32.The largest representatives of dragonflies live up to seven years.
33. The female dragonfly is larger than the male.
34.Dragonflies can eat up to 40 flies in one day.
35. Krylov wrote about dragonflies.
36. Most dragonflies live for 3 weeks. And this only applies to small dragonflies.
37. With incredible accuracy, the dragonfly is able to calculate where the victim will follow.
38. For many people, the dragonfly is fraught with something mystical.
39. Dragonflies are capable of destroying a very large number of blood-sucking insects.
40. The eyeball of a dragonfly has a unique structure.
41. Large dragonflies are capable of eating bees.
42. A large dragonfly can bite a person.
43. Dragonflies are considered to be the oldest insects.
44. Remains of dragonflies have been found since the Jurassic period.
45. Dragonflies catch their own prey on the fly.
46. And they also mate on the fly.
47. According to scientists, the dragonfly was the first insect that was able to conquer the air.
48. The oldest dragonflies were gigantic in size.
49. The wingspan of the oldest dragonfly reached 90 centimeters.
50.Dragonflies are the spread of poultry disease called prostogonymosis.
51. Dragonflies are considered to be the most effective hunters.
52. A dragonfly flaps its wings about 30 times during flight.
53. Science called odonatology deals with the study of dragonflies.
54 There are approximately 6,650 species of dragonflies in the world.
55. The eyes of a dragonfly are made up of 30,000 lenses.
56. Dragonflies can eat harmful insects.
57.The dragonfly has 6 pairs of legs.
58. The male dragonfly has a needle at the end of the penis, designed to pick out the lover's seed.
59. Dragonflies are considered formidable predators.
60. Dragonflies are the luckiest insects.
61. The development of dragonflies is associated with water bodies.
62.The dragonfly is considered a "killing machine".
63. The dragonfly can be called a master of aerobatics.
64. The dragonfly is able to easily find prey in front of a bright background.
65.Dragonflies have not changed their appearance since their own appearance.
66. Not every dragonfly lays eggs in water.
67. Dragonflies are well protected from the external environment.
68. Female dragonflies lay 1 egg every 5 seconds.
69. The eyes of a dragonfly have a faceted shape.
70. It was the fluttering of a dragonfly that became a clue to the creation of jet aircraft.
71. Dragonflies can travel thousands of kilometers.
72. A large number of the most modern dragonflies live in the humid subtropics and tropics.
73. Dragonflies usually move in a solid mass.
74. Songs were dedicated to the dragonfly.
75. From English, dragonfly is translated as "flying dragon".
76. For dragonflies, there is neither the law of air resistance, nor the law of gravity.
77. In the process of hunting, the dragonfly determines the behavior of the victim in advance.
78. A dragonfly can freeze in the air.
79 These insects are able to defend themselves from an attack from behind.
80 The dragonfly has a slender, elongated body.
81. In order to enjoy its prey, the dragonfly has to descend to the ground.
82. When the reservoir dries up, the larvae of some species of dragonflies can breathe air.
83.Dragonfly antennae are rather short.
84 The belly of this insect consists of 11 segments.
85. Adult dragonflies live only on land.
86 The dragonfly can watch the victim in the shelter for hours.
87 Dragonflies are eaten in Bali with coconut milk.
88. The dragonfly is considered the most perfect predator in world space.
89. Dragonflies are endowed with a special nervous system.
90. Capturing prey, the dragonfly rushes forward.
91. Dragonflies cannot live without water.
92. In 2002, a film was made about a dragonfly.
93. About 350 million years ago, the first dragonflies appeared.
94. This insect can move for several hours.
95.The species called "the blue emperor" is the largest dragonfly species.
96. The dragonfly lays eggs one by one.
97. In the days of Ancient Russia, grasshoppers were called dragonflies.
98. Dragonflies with 6 legs, but they cannot walk.
99. In water, a dragonfly larva can live from 1 to 5 years.
100. The dragonfly turns its own head around the axis.