Peter 1 ascended the throne on August 18, 1682, and since then began his long reign. Interesting facts from the life of Peter 1 allow us to learn more about his difficult royal path. As you know, Peter I successfully ruled the country for over 43 years. Important facts from the biography of Peter 1, revealing all his positive and negative aspects of both the king and the common man, have come down to us. Next, we will consider in more detail the important facts of the activities of Peter I, who left a serious mark on the history of the Russian Empire.
1. In childhood, the future emperor was distinguished by good health compared to his brothers, who were very often sick.
2. In the royal court there were rumors that Peter was not the son of Alexei Romanov.
3. Peter the Great was the first who invented to attach skates to shoes.
4. The emperor wore size 38 shoes.
5. The height of Peter the Great exceeded two meters, which at that time was considered very strange.
6. The emperor wore size 48 clothes.
7. The second wife of the emperor, Catherine I, was a commoner by birth.
8. In order for the soldiers to distinguish the left from the right side, straw was tied to the right hand, and hay to the left.
9. Peter was very fond of dentistry and therefore independently removed sick teeth.
10. Peter came up with the idea of rewarding drunkards with medals weighing more than seven kilograms. This has been an effective method to combat heavy drinking.
11. Tulips were brought to Russia by the tsar from Holland.
12. The emperor was very fond of growing gardens, so he ordered overseas plants.
13. Counterfeiters worked at the mint as punishment.
14. Peter often used doubles for business trips abroad.
15. Peter 1 is buried in the Peter and Paul Cathedral. He died after severe pneumonia in 1725.
16. Peter I created the first special agency to deal with complaints.
17. The Julian calendar was introduced by the king in 1699.
18. The emperor was fluent in fourteen crafts.
19. Peter 1 ordered to consider the gopher as a ferret.
20. The tsar baptized all his close associates in the Caspian Sea.
21. Peter quite often on his own secretly checked the fulfillment of their duties by the guards.
22. The king could not master the weaving of bast shoes.
23. The Emperor achieved great success in navigation and shipbuilding. He was also an excellent gardener, bricklayer, knew how to make watches and paint.
24. Peter appointed the celebration of the new year for the night of December 31 to January 1.
25. A decree was also issued on the compulsory shaving of the mustache and beard.
26. In addition, the king was against the women on the ship, and they were taken only as a last resort.
27. At the time of Peter I, rice was first brought to the territory of Russia.
28. The king was asked to choose the title "Emperor of the East", which he eventually refused.
29. Peter often surprised everyone with his virtuoso piano playing.
30. The tsar issued a letter, which forbade wives to take drunk men from pubs.
31. The emperor brought potatoes to Russia, which were distributed throughout the territory.
32. Peter truly loved only Catherine I.
33. The tsar himself selected news for the Vedomosti newspaper.
34. The emperor spent most of his life on campaigns.
35. The tsar at a reception in Germany did not know how to use napkins and ate everything with his hands, which struck the princesses with his awkwardness.
36. Only in St. Petersburg was it allowed to build stone houses from 1703.
37. All thieves who stole more than the cost of the rope from the state treasury were to be hanged on this rope.
38. All the collections of the tsar in 1714 were transported to the Summer Palace. This is how the Kunstkamera Museum was created.
39. The lover of the tsar's wife, William Mons, was sentenced to death on November 13, 1724 - he was executed by beheading on November 16 in St. Petersburg, and his head was immersed in alcohol and placed in the queen's bedroom.
40. Peter loved to say toasts to his teachers of the art of war when he won the next battles.
41. An unusual map of Asian Russia hung in the Tsar's Summer Palace.
42. The tsar used various methods to accustom Russians to European culture.
43. Everyone who visited the Kunstkamera received alcohol free of charge.
44. In adolescence, the king could play without food or sleep for a whole day.
45. Peter managed to make an excellent military career and as a result became an admiral of the Russian, Dutch, English and Danish fleets.
46. Peter tried himself in surgery and actively studied the anatomy of the human body.
47. Menshikov, who was a close friend of the tsar, did not know how to write at all.
48. The real name of the second wife of the emperor was Martha.
49. The tsar loved his chef Filth and very often dined in the house, where he always left the gold pieces.
50. To prevent anyone from entering the city in winter, slingshots were placed on the Neva.
51. The king introduced a tax on the baths, which were in private ownership. At the same time, the development of public baths was encouraged.
52. Catherine I had many intrigues and often cheated on the tsar.
53. The great stature of the emperor prevented him from doing certain things.
54. After the death of the king, the era of palace coups began.
55. Peter founded a regular fleet and an army.
56. At first, Peter 1 ruled together with his brother Ivan, who very quickly passed away.
57. Naval and military affairs were the favorite spheres of the king. He constantly studied and acquired new knowledge in these areas.
58. Peter took a course in carpentry and shipbuilding.
59. Strengthening the military power of the Russian state is the work of the emperor's entire life.
60. During the reign of Peter I, compulsory military service was introduced.
61. The regular army began to operate in 1699.
62. In 1702, Peter the Great managed to take powerful Swedish fortresses.
63. In 1705, thanks to the efforts of the tsar, Russia gained access to the Baltic Sea.
64. In 1709, the legendary Battle of Poltava took place, which brought great glory to Peter 1.
65. As a child, Peter was very fond of playing war games with his younger sister Natalya.
66. As a teenager, Peter was hiding in Sergiev Posad during the Shooting Riot.
67. Throughout his life, the king suffered from severe attacks of facial muscles spasms.
68. The king personally resolved many issues, as he was interested in many crafts and industries.
69. Peter was distinguished by his incredible speed during robots, as well as perseverance, therefore, he always brought every case to the end.
70. Mother forcibly married Peter to his first wife Evdokia Lopukhina.
71. The king issued a decree prohibiting the marriage of girls without consent.
72. Today the exact cause of the king's death is unknown. According to some reports, the king suffered from a bladder disease.
73. Peter was the first to make a long journey to Western European countries.
74. The tsar dreamed of writing a book on the history of the Russian Empire.
75. Peter 1 allowed Russia to pursue a full-fledged foreign economic policy in the future thanks to his progressive reforms.
76. The Naval Academy was founded by the king in 1714.
77. Only Catherine could calm the tsar's frequent fits of rage with her gentle voice and hugs.
78. The young tsar was fond of many spheres of human life, which in the future allowed him to successfully rule the mighty state.
79. Peter was in good health, so he practically did not get sick and easily coped with all life's difficulties.
80. The king was very fond of having fun, so he often arranged amusing events at the court.
81. One of the activities of Peter I was the creation of a powerful fleet in the Sea of Azov, which he succeeded as a result.
82. The tsar introduced in Russia a new chronology and the tradition of celebrating modern New Year holidays.
83. Access to the Baltic Sea was specially built for the development of trade.
84. Construction of St. Petersburg was started in 1703 by order of the tsar.
85. The Emperor managed to conquer the coast of the Caspian Sea and annex Kamchatka.
86. To create the army, taxes were collected from local residents.
87. Several successful reforms have been carried out in education, medicine, industry and finance.
88. During the reign of Peter I, the first gymnasium and many schools for children were opened.
89. In many leading countries, monuments to Peter 1 were erected.
90. In addition, after the death of the king, cities began to be named in his honor.
91. Catherine 1 took over the rule of the Russian Empire after the death of Peter.
92. Peter heroically helped to free the soldiers from the water, which led to colds and death.
93. The Emperor made a lot of efforts to turn St. Petersburg into the cultural capital of Russia.
94. Peter founded the first Kunstkamera Museum, which contains his personal collections brought from different parts of the world.
95. Peter actively fought against drunkenness using various methods, for example, heavy copper coins.
96. The tsar did not have time to write a will, while leaving a serious mark on the history of the Russian Empire.
97. Peter was respected in the world for his intelligence, education, sense of humor and justice.
98. Peter truly loved only Catherine I, and it was she who had a great influence on him.
99. The king continued to rule the state until the last day, despite a severe illness.
100. The Bronze Horseman in St. Petersburg is one of the famous monuments to Peter 1.