1. For 3 days after the death of a person, the enzymes remaining in the body contribute to decomposition.
2. Abraham Lincoln's body was reburied 17 times after death.
3. People who hang themselves are more likely to experience postmortem erections.
4. The human head after death continues to live for about 20 seconds.
5. In 1907, Dr. Duncan McDougalo conducted an experiment in which he had to weigh a person "before" and "after" his death. After death, a person loses weight.
6. The real facts of life after death say that people with large fat deposits after death turn into soap.
7. Moritz Roolings wrote the book Beyond Death.
8. If you believe the scientists, then a person who was buried alive will die after 5.5 hours.
9.After death, a person's nails and hair do not grow.
10. Many people have been to another world when they were in a state of clinical death.
11. Children see only good in clinical death.
12. Adults who have experienced clinical death have seen monsters and demons.
13. In Madagascar, after the death of a person, relatives dig up the remains of the deceased. This is necessary in order to dance with the deceased during a ritual ceremony called Famadihana.
14. American scientist Michael Newton, using hypnosis, awakened memories of a past life in people.
15. Dying, a person is reborn in another body.
16. When a person dies, hearing is the last to go.
17) Southeast Asia still has mummies that continue to grow nails and hair.
18. The credible facts of life after death indicate that psychologist Raymond Moody managed to write the book "Life after death."
19.Many nations have a ban on the pronunciation of the name of the deceased after his death.
20. Information in the human brain does not die after death, but is stored. This fact confirms life after death: what facts are known exactly remains a great mystery.
21. The people of China believe that after death they go to the underworld.
22. After the death of a person, his body undergoes various changes and in all parts.
23. Coconuts kill more people than sharks.
24. In France, if desired, they officially marry the dead. This is permitted by law.
25. Many animals can pretend to be dead to escape a predator.
26.9 women out of 10 are able to remember their past lives within an hour.
27 In a Norwegian town called Longyearbyen, dying is prohibited by law. If a person dies in this city, he will not be buried there.
28. Blind people are able to "see" what will happen to them after death.
29. On the territory of Ancient Rome, lemurs were called the dead who died and did not return to the world of the living.
30 South Koreans believe in the myth that a person dies in a dark room with a fan.
31. Allotted about 15 years for the decomposition of a dead human body.
32. After death, a person remains the same as he was before: both the qualities and the mind and abilities do not change.
33. The cerebral cortex after the death of a person continues to receive blood from the vessels, which continue to work until biological death occurs.
34. Throughout earthly life, a person creates a bed for himself, on which he will have to sleep after death.
35. After death, adults see themselves as children, and children, on the contrary, as adults.
36. If a person had any injuries or injuries during his lifetime, then after death they disappear.
37. After death, a person's consciousness takes on completely different forms, while retaining its essence.
38. Professor Voino-Yasenetsky believes that inside the world we see, another world is hidden - the afterlife.
39 In a dead person there is no longer a person. Life after death speaks about it. The facts about this philosophical topic can be read incessantly.
40. Protopriest Paul believes that earthly life is a preparation for life after death. The human body is destroyed, but the soul continues to live.
41. Life in the human body after his death continues, but consciousness has nothing to do with this.
42. After death, gas pressure rises in the body.
43 Vanga argued that there was an afterlife. After death, the dead, according to her assumptions, begin a new life, and their souls are among us.
44 N. P. Bekhtereva said that after the death of her husband, his ghost appeared not only at night, but also during the day.
45. The facts of life after death claim that after death only good souls return to Earth.
46. The Egyptians believed that the afterlife was almost identical to the real one.
47 In the tomb of the dead Pharaoh, they put things so that they would be useful in the afterlife.
48 Sometimes people who have died come to life.
49. After death, the state of a person does not become inactive and boring peace, but appears in the form of a harmonious and complete satisfaction of all needs. This once again proves life after death, the facts about which are interesting to everyone.
50.Suicides, laying hands on themselves, believe that "they will end everything," but in the afterlife for them everything is just beginning.