Ivan the Terrible from the Rurik dynasty is known to each of us. This man was very distinguished, and you can learn a lot from the story about him. The facts from the life of Ivan the Terrible did not remain unknown. Disputes often arose both about the character and the actions of this famous king. Interesting facts about Ivan the Terrible for many curious lovers of the history of our Motherland will be an excellent addition to the knowledge that was given by teachers at school.
1. The grandmother of Ivan the Terrible was from a family of Byzantine emperors.
2. When Ivan the Terrible was born, the storm was raging and the rain was pouring. This could affect the character of the future king.
3. At the age of three, Ivan was proclaimed the Grand Duke. This happened after the death of his dad.
4. In 9 days Ivan the Terrible lost all his loved ones.
5. At the age of 13, Ivan had a promiscuous sex life.
6. By his order, the man was thrown out to be eaten by bears.
7. The real name of Ivan the Terrible is Ivan Vasilievich.
8. In a marriage with Anastasia, Ivan the Terrible had 6 children, but only 2 of them survived.
9. Ivan had a desire to tie the knot with Queen Elizabeth, who did not agree to his proposal to marry.
10. Ivan the Terrible had a bad heredity.
11. It is believed that Ivan was prone to sadism, and scholars confirm that he was mentally ill. But there is also a version that his behavior was influenced by his environment - the boyars.
12. The facts from the life of Ivan the Terrible confirm that he put people in a hot frying pan, tortured them with hot pincers, brutally beat and cut the tendons of people.
13. Only Basil the Blessed, the tsar did not touch, he was afraid of him.
14. Ivan the Terrible ruled for the longest time of all the rulers. His term of office was 50 years and 105 days.
15. Greatly increased the territory of the country during the reign of this king.
16. The king's favorite hobby was hunting.
17. The largest library belonged to Ivan the Terrible.
18. A huge amount of mercury was found in the body of Ivan the Terrible. If you believe the assumptions and what the facts say against Ivan the Terrible, then this tsar was treated with mercury for syphilis.
19. During the last 6 years of his life, Ivan had such a disease as osteophytes.
20. Ivan the Terrible was married 8 times.
21. At the age of 20, Ivan the Terrible was dying because he had a serious illness.
22. Ivan acquired the nickname "Terrible" only by the age of 12, because he killed the boyar Andrei Shuisky in the most brutal way.
23. From year to year, Ivan's temper became more and more tough.
24. Ivan the Terrible was considered a devout person.
25. The wedding of Ivan the Terrible took place 4 times.
26. The king killed his heir with his own hands.
27. It was thanks to Ivan the Terrible that the saying "Filkin's letter" appeared, because he called so all the messages from Metropolitan Philip.
28. Ivan did not allow his subjects to drink alcoholic beverages.
29. Ivan the Terrible is considered the Grand Duke of All Russia.
30. Ivan's third wife was poisoned 2 weeks after their wedding.
31. Ivan the Terrible could be seen in more than 20 films.
32. Thanks to the efforts of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, Russia acquired a more modern look.
33. Death on March 18 to Ivan the Terrible was predicted by the astrologer.
34. Tsar Ivan the Terrible wanted to establish a personal dictatorship.
35. In history, Ivan Vasilievich is referred to as a tyrant.
36. Ivan the Terrible was strongly attached to his first wife Anastasia, he took care of her.
37. The death of Anastasia for Ivan was like an earthquake.
38. The second wife of Ivan the Terrible was the Kabardian princess Kuchenya.
39. The shortest marriage of the tsar was the marriage with Anna Koltovskaya.
40. Some scholars talked about the king's homosexuality.
41. Ivan the Terrible drowned his mistress Maria Dolgorukova in the river, throwing her off her horse.
42. From mistresses the king had several sons.
43. Tsar Ivan the Terrible died while playing checkers with courtiers.
44. The king died at the age of 54.
45. The reign of Ivan the Terrible was often called "the fire of ferocity."
46. Ivan the Terrible was the most cruel of all rulers.
47. Taking 14-year-old Maria Dolgorukova as his wife, Ivan the Terrible saw that she was not a virgin.
48. From childhood, Ivan was aggressive and angry.
49. After 50 years, Ivan the Terrible looked like a decrepit old man.
50. The king was buried in the grave with his son.
51. The first Russian tsar was brought up by boyars.
52. In his youth, Ivan the Terrible was very fond of religion.
53. Ivan Vasilievich had a triangular face.
54. At the age of 13, Ivan rebelled against the boyars.
55. The council of people close to Ivan the Terrible was called "Chosen Rada".
56. During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, new royal regalia were made in the Kremlin.
57. Tsar Ivan Vasilievich created the oprichnina.
58. Ivan the Terrible was an orphan.
59. Ivan never considered himself responsible before the church.
60. Ivan the Terrible was broad-shouldered and red-haired.
61. In the last years of his life, the king was almost paralyzed.
62. Not a single war was lost by Ivan Vasilievich during the years of his reign and life.
63. Ivan the Terrible inherited only the Novgorod and Moscow regions.
64. The nickname "Grozny" is not translated into other languages.
65. During his reign, Ivan Vasilyevich asked the people if he was doing everything right.
66. Ivan the Terrible took both Astrakhan and Kazan.
67. Ivan reached the age of majority at the age of 15.
68. The mother of Ivan the Terrible was Elena Glinskaya, who also actively reigned.
69. The deceased father of Ivan the Terrible was barren, and the tsar appeared from his mother's lover.
70. Ivan the Terrible was considered not only the most cruel, but also the bloodiest ruler of Russia.
71. Mirrors for the king were made only by custom-made craftsmen.
72. Ivan the Terrible believed that the fate of any person is under the control of higher powers.
73. Terrible showed paranoia: he always thought of conspiracies and absurd poisoning.
74. Ivan the Terrible had syphilis for about 20 years, and at the tertiary stage it affected the condition of his bones.
75. The king is buried in a rather atypical way: his fingers are folded in a blessing gesture.
76. Ivan the Terrible became even more cruel when he felt the impending death.
77. Doctors found decay of blood in the king.
78. Ivan the Terrible died suddenly.
79. The convocation of Zemsky Sobor began precisely during the reign of Ivan the Terrible.
80. Many scientists believe that Ivan Vasilyevich was poisoned before his death.
81. Twice in his life, Ivan the Terrible held a “congress of brides”, where he chose his future spouse.
82. At the age of 10, Ivan often killed animals.
83. Ivan the Terrible had his own workshop, where mirrors were created for him.
84. After the death of the king, there were rumors that his death was violent.
85. Ivan the Terrible took care to write the will in advance. He saw his son as a receiver.
86. Ivan Vasilievich loved to arrange grand feasts.
87. Ivan the Terrible took revenge on the boyars for children's insults.
88. At the dinner of Ivan the Terrible there were about 200 dishes.
89. Grozny liked to drink "green" wine.
90. Ivan the Terrible was an expert on books.