In his years of life, Pythagoras was considered a talented sage. Interesting facts from the life of Pythagoras can include both legends and truth. No one today can understand whether such events really happened in the life of this person. The facts from the life of Pythagoras are achievements, personal merits and features of the character of the great philosopher.
1. The father of Pythagoras was a stone cutter.
2. Even before the birth of Pythagoras, his father knew that he would become a Great Man. This was foretold by the seer.
3. Pythagoras left his native island at the age of 18 and returned there only at the age of 56.
4. The name of Pythagoras is famous for his theorem. And this is the greatest achievement of this person. This is what the biography of Pythagoras says. Interesting facts also support this.
5) Pythagoras was a great orator. Interesting facts from the life of this man say that he taught this art to thousands of people.
6. The lever was invented by this philosopher.
7. The conclusion that the Earth is round was given by Pythagoras.
8.Pythagoras took part in the Olympic Games and won in fistfights.
9.The first mention of the life of Pythagoras became known only after 200 years had passed since the day of his death.
10. Pythagoras had an excellent memory and developed curiosity.
11.In reality, Pythagoras is not a name, but a nickname for the great philosopher.
12. The sage had a solid appearance.
13.No treatises remained after Pythagoras.
14. The school created by Pythagoras was the cause of his upset before his death.
15. Antique writers of modern times are not aware of the works and teachings of Pythagoras.
16. Pythagoras was a famous cosmologist.
17. Pythagoras tried to add nobility to the main strata of society.
18. Until today, the exact age of death of this thinker has not been established.
19. Pythagoras was the first to say that the soul of a person after his death is reborn again.
20. Exact sciences developed according to the foundations of Pythagoras.
21. Pythagoras has always been considered a mystic.
22. This thinker did not eat animal meat.
23. From a young age, Pythagoras was drawn to travel.
24. Pythagoras believed that the secret of all essence on Earth lies in numbers.
25. Pythagoras had demonstrative behavior.
26. Pythagoras had a wife named Theano, daughter Miya and son Telavg.
27. Pythagoras did not prove the theorem, but he could teach others this.
28. Pythagoras had his own school, which included 3 directions: political, religious and philosophical.
29. Entering the school of Pythagoras, people had to give up their property.
30. The school of Pythagoras fell under the disgrace of the state.
31. Among the followers of this sage were quite noble people.
32 Pythagoras had a too short nose.
33. Pythagoras in childhood was forced to learn songs from "Eliade" and "Odyssey".
34. Pythagoras tried to study acoustics.
35. An asteroid (minor planet) was named after this philosopher.
36. Pythagoras got married when he was 60 years old. And the student of this philosopher became his wife.
37. If you believe the legends, then the mother of Pythagoras had intercourse with Apollo.
38. The gift of divination and clairvoyance was attributed to this person.
39. Pythagoras knew how to control spirits and demons.
40. Pythagoras experimented with color on the psyche of people.
41. Pythagoras died, saving his own disciples from the fire.
42. The father of Pythagoras was rich enough and tried to give his son a good upbringing.
43. Pythagoras spent 12 years in Babylonian captivity.
44. The theory of music was developed by this talented sage.
45. Pythagoras taught women and girls not to shift their own responsibilities to other people.
46. Pythagoras was born on the island of Samos.
47 In a past life, Pythagoras considered himself a fighter for Troy.
48. The first lecture given by Pythagoras led to 2000 people.
49. Pythagoras tried to find the harmony of numbers in nature.
50. There is a mug named after Pythagoras.