The human brain has been studied by scientists from all over the world for many years, since a more specific understanding of its work can help humanity fight various diseases. Curious facts about the brain will impress every person.
1. The human brain has an order of 80-100 billion nerve cells (neurons).
2. The left hemisphere of the human brain is 200 million richer in neurons than the right hemisphere.
3. The neurons of the human brain are very tiny. Their size ranges from 4 to 100 micrometers in width.
4.According to a 2014 study, there is more gray matter in a woman's brain than in a man's.
5. According to statistics, people with a humanitarian mindset have a large percentage of the so-called gray matter.
6. Constant physical exertion can increase the amount of gray matter.
7. Make up 40% of the human brain are gray cells. They become gray only after withering away.
8. The brain of a living person has a bright pink hue.
9. A man's brain has less gray matter, but more cerebrospinal fluid and white matter.
10. White matter makes up 60% of the human brain.
11. Fat is bad for the human heart, and it is very good for the brain.
12. The average weight of a human brain is 1.3 kilograms.
13. The human brain occupies up to 3 percent of the total body weight, but consumes 20% of oxygen.
14. The brain is capable of producing large amounts of energy. Even the energy of a sleeping brain can light a 25-watt light bulb.
15. It has been proven that brain size does not affect human mental capacity, Albert Einstein had a brain size less than average.
16. The human brain does not have nerve endings, so doctors can cut the human brain when it is awake.
17. A person uses the capabilities of his brain almost 100%.
18. The texture of the brain is very important, and the wrinkles of the brain allow it to contain more neurons.
19 Yawning cools the brain and raises its temperature, lack of sleep.
20. Even a tired brain can be productive. Scientists say that in one day, on average, a person has 70,000 thoughts.
21. Information inside the brain is transmitted at high speeds, from 1.5 to 440 kilometers per hour.
22. The human brain is capable of processing and scanning the most complex images.
23. It was previously thought that the human brain is fully formed in the first years of life, but in fact, adolescents undergo changes in the cerebral cortex, which are responsible for emotional processing and impulse control.
24 Doctors say that brain development lasts up to 25 years.
25. The human brain takes seasickness for a hallucination caused by a poison, so the body turns on a defense reaction in the form of vomiting to get rid of the poison.
26 Archaeologists from Florida found an ancient cemetery at the bottom of a pond, some of the turtles had pieces of brain tissue.
27. The brain perceives the movements of annoying people slower than they actually are.
28. In 1950, a scientist found the pleasure center of the brain, and acted with electricity on this part of the brain, as a result, he simulated a half-hour orgasm for a woman using this method.
29 There is a so-called second brain in the human stomach, it has control over mood and appetite.
30. When you give up something, the same parts of the brain work as in physical pain.
31. Obscene words are processed by the part of the brain, and they really reduce pain.
32. It has been proven that the human brain is able to draw monsters for itself when a person looks in a mirror.
33. Human mogz burns 20% of calories.
34. If you pour warm water into the ear, then his eyes will move towards the ear, if you pour cold water, then on the contrary, I use this method to test the brain.
35. Scientists have shown that not understanding sarcasm is considered a sign of brain disease, and the perception of sarcasm helps in solving problems.
36. A person sometimes does not remember why he entered the room, this is due to the fact that the brain creates a "border of events."
37. When a person tells someone that he wants to achieve a goal, then this satisfies his brain as if he had already achieved this goal.
38. The human brain has a negativity bias, which makes the person want to find bad news.
39. The tonsil is a part of the brain, its function is to control fear, if you remove it, you can lose the feeling of fear.
40. During rapid eye movements, the human brain does not process information.
41. Modern medicine has almost learned to do brain transplants, practiced on primates.
42. Phone numbers have seven digits for a reason, as this is the longest sequence that the average person can remember.
43. To create a computer with the same parameters as the human brain, it will have to perform 3800 operations in one second and store 3587 terabytes of information.
44 In the human brain there are "mirror neurons", they encourage a person to repeat after others.
45. The inability of the brain to correctly assess the coming situation causes the lack of sleep.
46. Bullying is a brain disorder that causes a person to feel indecisively constantly.
47. In 1989, an absolutely healthy child was born, despite the fact that his mother's brain completely died, and his body was artificially supported during childbirth.
48. The brain's response in mathematics lessons and in scary situations is absolutely identical, which means that mathematics is a big fear for those who do not understand it.
49. The most rapid brain development occurs in the interval from 2 to 11 years.
50. Constant prayer reduces the frequency of breathing and normalizes the wave vibrations of the brain, stimulating the process of self-healing, because believers go to the doctor by 36% less.
51.The more mentally developed a person is, the less likely he is to get brain disease, since brain activity stimulates the appearance of new tissue.
52. The best way to develop your brain is to engage in completely unfamiliar activities.
53. It has been proven that mental work does not tire the human brain, fatigue is associated with a psychological state.
54. White matter is 70% water, gray matter 84%.
55. To maximize brain performance, you need to consume enough water.
56. The body wakes up much earlier than the brain, the mental capacity after waking up is much lower than after a sleepless night.
57. Of all human organs, the brain consumes the largest amount of energy - about 25%.
58. Female and male voices are perceived by different parts of the brain, female sounds at lower frequencies, so it is easier for the brain to perceive the male voice.
59. Every minute, about 750 milliliters of blood passes through the human brain, this is 15% of all blood flow.
60. Domestic abuse affects a child's brain in the same way that hostilities affect a soldier.
61. It has been scientifically proven that even a little power given to a person can change the principle of his brain.
62. 60% of the brain is fat.
63. The smell of chocolate increases the activity of the theta brain waves in a person, resulting in relaxation.
64. The human brain produces a lot of dopamine during orgasm, and the effect is similar to the use of heroin.
65. Forgetting information has a positive effect on the brain, this gives the nervous system plasticity.
66.During alcohol intoxication, the brain temporarily loses the ability to remember.
67. The active use of mobile phones dramatically increases the appearance of brain tumors.
68. Lack of sleep has a bad effect on the work of the brain, there is a slowdown in reaction and speed of decision-making.
69. Albert Einstein's brain could not be found for more than 20 years, it was stolen by a pathologist.
70. In some ways, the brain is like a muscle, the more you exercise it, the more it grows.
71. The human brain does not rest, even during sleep it works.
72. The left hemisphere of the brain in men is larger than that of women, which is why men are stronger in technical matters and women in humanitarian matters.
73 In ordinary human life, there are three active parts of the brain: motor, cognitive and emotional.
74. Frequent conversations with a small child and reading aloud help his brain develop.
75. The left hemisphere of the brain controls the right side of the body, and the right hemisphere, accordingly, controls the left side of the body.
76. Scientists have proven that tinnitus is part of the brain's function.
77. Every time a person blinks, his brain works and keeps everything in the light, so a person does not get dark in his eyes when he blinks every time.
78. Laughing at a joke requires five different parts of the brain to work.
79. All blood vessels in the brain are 100,000 miles long.
80. Up to six minutes the brain can live without oxygen, more than ten minutes without oxygen will affect the brain irreversibly.