Many people in their school years considered physics a boring subject. But this is not at all the case, because in real life everything happens precisely thanks to this science. This natural science can be viewed not only from the side of problem solving, but also from the creation of formulas. Physics also studies the Universe in which a person lives, and therefore it becomes uninteresting to live without knowing the rules of this Universe.
1. As you know from textbooks, water has no form, but water still has its own form. This is a ball.
2.Depending on weather conditions, the height of the Eiffel Tower may fluctuate by 12 centimeters. In hot weather, the beams heat up to 40 degrees and expand under the influence of high temperatures, which changes the height of this structure.
3. In order to feel weak currents, physicist Vasily Petrov had to remove the top layer of epithelium at the tip of his finger.
4. To understand the nature of vision, Isaac Newton inserted a probe into his eye.
5. An ordinary shepherd's whip is considered to be the first device to break the sound barrier.
6. If you unfold the tape in a vacuum space, you can see X-rays and visible glow.
7. The well-known Einstein was a failure.
8. The body is not a good conductor of current.
9. The most serious branch of physics is nuclear.
10. The most authentic nuclear reactor operated 2 billion years ago in Oklo. The reaction of the reactor lasted for about 100,000 years, and only when the uranium vein was depleted did it end.
11. The temperature on the surface of the Sun is 5 times lower than the temperature of lightning.
12. A drop of rain weighs more than a mosquito.
13. Flying insects are oriented during flight only to the light of the Moon or the Sun.
14. The spectrum is formed when the sun's rays pass through the droplets in the air.
15. Stress-induced fluidity is characteristic of large ice glaciers.
16.Light propagates more slowly in a transparent medium than in a vacuum.
17. There are no two snowflakes with the same pattern.
18.When ice forms, the crystalline lattice begins to lose its salt content, which is the cause of ice and salt water at some points of the downdrafts.
19 Physicist Jean-Antoine Nollet used humans as material for his experiments.
20. Without using a corkscrew, the bottle can be opened by leaning the newspaper against the wall.
21.To escape in a falling elevator, you need to take a "lying" position, while occupying the maximum floor area. This will distribute the impact force evenly throughout the body.
22 The air from the Sun is not directly heated.
23.Due to the fact that the Sun emits light in all ranges, it is white, although it seems yellow.
24. The faster the sound propagates where the medium is denser.
25 The noise of Niagara Falls is the noise of a factory floor.
26. Water is able to conduct electricity only with the help of ions that dissolve in it.
27. The maximum density of water is reached at a temperature of 4 degrees.
28. Almost all the oxygen in the atmosphere has a biogenic origin, but before the emergence of photosynthetic bacteria, the atmosphere was considered anoxic.
29.The first engine was a machine called aeolopiles, which was created by the Greek scientist Heron of Alexandria.
30. 100 years after Nikola Tesla created the first radio-controlled ship, similar toys appeared on the market.
31 The Nobel Prize was banned from receiving in Nazi Germany.
32.Shortwave components of the solar spectrum propagate in the air more strongly than longwave components.
33. At a temperature of 20 degrees, water in the pipeline, which contains methane, can freeze.
34. The only substance found freely in the natural environment is water.
35. Most of the water is in the sun. There water is in the form of steam.
36. The current is conducted not by the water molecule itself, but by the ions contained in it.
37. Only distilled water is a dielectric.
38. Each bowling ball has the same volume, but their mass is different.
39 In the water space, you can observe the process of "sonoluminescence" - the transformation of sound into light.
40 The electron was discovered as a particle by the English physicist Joseph John Thompson in 1897.
41.The speed of electric current is equal to the speed of light.
42.Connecting ordinary headphones to the microphone input, they can be used as a microphone.
43. Even with very strong winds in the mountains, clouds can hang motionless. This is due to the fact that the wind moves the air masses in a certain flow or wave, but at the same time, various obstacles are flown around.
44. There are no blue or green pigments in the shell of the human eye.
45.To get to see through the glass, which has a matte surface, it is worth sticking a piece of transparent tape on it.
46. At a temperature of 0 degrees, water in a normal state begins to turn into ice.
47 In a Guinness beer drink, you can see the bubbles going down the sides of the glass instead of going up. This is due to the bubbles rising faster in the center of the glass and pushing the liquid downward at the rim with stronger viscous friction.
48. The phenomenon of an electric arc was first described by the Russian scientist Vasily Petrov in 1802.
49. The Newtonian viscosity of a liquid depends on the nature and temperature. But if the viscosity also depends on the velocity gradient, then it is called non-Newtonian.
50 In the freezer, hot water will freeze faster than cold water.
51. In 8.3 minutes, photons in outer space are able to reach the Earth.
52. About 3,500 terrestrial planets have been discovered to date.
53. All objects have the same falling speed.
54. If a mosquito is on the ground, then a drop of rain can kill it.
55. All objects that surround a person are composed of atoms.
56. Glass is not considered a solid because it is liquid.
57. Liquid, gaseous and solid bodies always expand when heated.
58. Lightning strikes about 6,000 times per minute.
59. If hydrogen burns in the air, then water is formed.
60. Light has weight, but no mass.
61. The moment a person strikes a match on the boxes, the temperature of the match head rises to 200 degrees.
62. In the process of boiling water, its molecules move at a speed of 650 meters per second.
63. At the tip of a needle in a sewing machine, a pressure of up to 5000 atmospheres develops.
64 There is a physicist in world space who has received an award for the most ridiculous discovery in science. This is Andrey Geim from Holland, who was awarded in 2000 for his study of frog levitation.
65. Gasoline does not have a specific freezing point.
66. Granite conducts sound 10 times faster than air.
67. White reflects light, and black attracts it.
68. By adding sugar to the water, the egg will not drown in it.
69. Pure snow will melt more slowly than dirty snow.
70. A magnet will not act on stainless steel because there are no different proportions of nickel in it that interfere with the iron atoms.