Cinematography, regardless of its quality, exploits human emotions and instincts. Everything is used, but the stronger the emotional irritation caused by the film, the more impressive it makes. And it's easier to influence the viewer by scaring him. Only geniuses are capable of giving the viewer an aesthetic pleasure, and a director who shot films on an iPhone yesterday can also throw a bus with people into the abyss.
The fear of death is inherent in all people, without exception, so it is not surprising that filmmakers exploit it simply on an industrial scale. Try to recall at least a few modern films in which the heroes, albeit episodic, would not die or at least not face a mortal threat. It's not such an easy task. And in blockbusters they are completely drowned by "Titanic", blown up by skyscrapers, crashed by airbuses and destroyed in various other ways. The main thing is that the viewer on the final credits subconsciously thinks: "Well, I am worried about the salary!"
Some directors go even further and make death a character in their films. Death can be masculine or feminine, fearsome, or a pretty woman. The image of an old woman with a scythe is hopelessly outdated. Modern cinematic death, as a rule, does not evoke a repulsive feeling. It's just that it's a job to come and take someone's life.
Russian film distributors deserve a separate mention in the context of death in cinematography. Even in Hollywood, with all its cynicism and cruelty, they try once again not to mention death in the names of films. In the Russian box office, these words and words of the same root are scattered left and right. The original titles of the films “Lethal Weapon”, “Academy of Death”, “The Demon of Death”, “Death Sentence”, and many others do not contain the word “death” - this is, so to speak, local flavor.
Of course, directors and screenwriters aren't always bloodthirsty. They can make a film about an immortal hero, and mercifully revive the character, or at least move him into a foreign body. They may even give him the opportunity to communicate with the survivors of the living world or see them. But, one way or another, they play on the theme of death. Sometimes it is very original.
1. In the movie "Welcome to Zombieland" Bill Murray plays a part in the role. In the story, he plays the role of himself in his own home. There is a zombie epidemic in the US, and Murray puts on the appropriate make-up to survive. He survived in the zombie world, but things turned out differently with people. Jesse Eisenberg's hero, Columbus, quite reasonably shot a zombie that suddenly appeared in front of him.

When disguise only hurts
2. Russian actor Vladimir Episkoposyan even called his autobiographical book "The main corpse of Russia", so often he has to die on the screen. Episkoposyan was born and raised in Armenia. He began his acting career at the “Armenfilm” studio, in the films of which he played educated youths and heroes-lovers. In the Soviet Union and later in Russia, to the actor's surprise, his appearance perfectly matched the roles of the main villains. He played the first murderer in the film "Pirates of the XX century". Then there were more than 50 films in which Episkoposyan's heroes were killed.
Debut of Vladimir Episkoposyan as a villain
3. Sean Bean has long been a hero of memes because of his endless screen deaths. Purely mathematically, he is not the most distressed of all the actors. Most likely, Bean's deaths are remembered because very often his heroes do not die at the end of the films, but closer to the middle. Nevertheless, if Bean gets one of the main roles, he has to play to the very end, as in the films "Games of the Patriots", "Golden Eye" or the TV series "Henry VIII". And the most impressive in the career of a "walking spoiler" was the death of Boromir in the epic "The Lord of the Rings".
4. The history of world cinema knows a lot of cases of suicide or voluntary resignation to death for the sake of some purpose. This is how Bruce Willis's hero in Armageddon, Hugh Weaving in V for Vendetta, and Jean Reno's Leon killer died. The hero of Will Smith in the film “7 Lives” died, one might say, a perfect death. He committed suicide in an ice bath in such a way that his organs were preserved for transplant.
5. The megablockbuster "Terminator-2" was marked by two epic deaths at once. And if the death of the frozen and then shot liquid T-1000 aroused extremely positive emotions in the audience, then the scene with Arnold Schwarzenegger's immersion in molten metal clearly caused cubic meters of boyish tears in the 1990s. True, as it turned out later, the death of both humanoid robots was not final.
6. As you know, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who described the adventures of Sherlock Holmes, was so unhappy with the cheap that fell on him, as he thought (Conan Doyle wrote novels and novels, and then some vulgar tales) popularity that in one of the stories simply killed the famous detective. Holmes had to be resurrected at the urgent request of the readership. And that's what talent means - the scenes of the alleged death and "resurrection" of Sherlock Holmes are written so piercingly and seamlessly that practically none of the dozens of screen versions of stories about Sherlock Holmes and his companion Dr. Watson could do without them.
7. Quentin Tarantino's painting "Inglourious Basterds" in a person who is in the slightest degree familiar with the history of World War II evokes nothing but disgust. Nevertheless, it is worth watching the epic about Jewish supermen for the sake of the scenes of the machine gun shop released in Adolf Hitler and the fire in the cinema, in which the entire leadership of Nazi Germany burned down.
8. Steven Seagal was killed only twice in films. Rather, he was fully killed only once - in the film "Machete", where he played a rare negative character for himself. The drug lord, played by Segal, was killed by Danny Trejo, who played Machete, at the end of the film. By the way, this film grew out of a fictional trailer shown in the joint project of Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez "Grindhouse" The video was so liked by the fans that they easily made another action movie out of it. But Segal's death in the film "Ordered to Destroy" looks like a mockery of the viewer. In principle, his hero - Sigal played a special forces colonel - died very worthily. At the cost of his life, he allowed his colleagues to get from one plane to another. It just happened at the very beginning of the film, and Segal's name was the loudest of all the troupe members.
Epic lies
9. “In general, his boyfriends handed over the stupid ones, and the kid got started on a spot on a covered one. And on the way out I realized - there are no friends, and there is no such thing. Only enemies, and their place is in the loop or on the feather. " This is not a retelling of The Count of Monte Cristo. This is the film "Oldboy" by Korean director Jang-Wook Park, which is practically one continuous series of murders. The main character, having served a prison term for nothing, begins to take revenge on everyone around. His revenge consists in the physical destruction of everyone who comes to hand. Everyone is doomed, both jailers and gangsters. And this is still in the back of the main character, a knife constantly sticks out ...
10. The author of numerous best-selling books, Stephen King does not suffer from excessive pity for his characters, even in printed books, even in film scripts. A “pet graveyard” in general essentially begins with a small boy being hit by a huge truck. The “Green Mile”, on the contrary, ends with the execution of a good-natured, big black man, although one could think of some kind of governor's pardon. But when staging the film "Mist" director and screenwriter Frank Darabont surpassed the king of horrors. In King's book "The Mist", based on which the film was made, the family of the main characters is saved from unknown monsters. The Draytons remain together, albeit with unclear prospects. In the film, the director forced the protagonist to personally kill all those who survived, including his own son, in order to see the military approaching to help in a minute.
"Mist". A minute ago, David Drayton killed all the survivors
11. Steven Spielberg's Jaws made the shark a popular murder weapon. Given the fact that in real life sharks attack people extremely rarely, even too popular. Moreover, with the modern possibilities of cinema, it is much easier to shoot a shark attack than the film crew of "Jaws", dragging a huge model of an underwater predator under water. The shark attack is shown in the movie "Deep Blue Sea" very effectively. The toothy monster interrupts the monologue of the shark specialist - played by Samuel L. Jackson - dragging him into the depths of the sea in one fell swoop.
12. The scene of the execution of the main characters in the film "Bonnie and Clyde" (1967) looks excessively brutal even in modern times. And it was a kind of teenage riot. 30 years before Bonnie and Clyde, American filmmakers were bound by the Hayes Code - a list of things that were not allowed to be shown in films. Worst of all, this list was supplemented with general considerations that allowed the broadest interpretation. By the 1960s, it became clear that the Code was not in keeping with the spirit of the times. It was violated or circumvented in one or another film, but little by little everywhere. In Bonnie and Clyde, the creators broke almost everything at once. Here is the romance of crime, and sex outside of marriage, and detailed scenes of robberies, and, like the cherry on the cake, the bodies of Bonnie and Clyde, riddled with a lead shower, in the ending. After the film's resounding success, the Hayes Code was canceled. Since 1968, the familiar system of age restrictions began to operate.
13. In 2004, Mel Gibson's film The Passion of the Christ was released. He shocked the audience not only with interpretations of some events from the last day of Jesus' life that were too free for our tolerant time. The film ends with a continuous scene of torture, beatings and mortal agony of Jesus, which lasts more than 40 minutes. Despite a barrage of criticism, the film grossed over $ 500 million. He was even praised by Pope John Paul II.
14. Apparently, some directors are sensitive to criticism from the audience. How else to explain the abundance of pictures in which people who come to the cinema die? So, in the Italian film "Demons", these same demons first lure simpletons to the cinema with free flyers, and then almost clean up the auditorium. The spectator who interferes with the viewing of neighbors in the cinema hall became a victim of other cinema visitors in the film "Scary Movie". Not a bad idea, but mediocrely realized film “Disappearance on 7th Street” begins with the fact that after a short blackout of the light from the cinema hall all the spectators disappeared - they were swallowed by Darkness. Well, it is worth mentioning once again Quentin Tarantino, in "Inglourious Basterds" who turned the cinema into a crematorium for the Nazi leadership and Adolf Hitler personally.
Demons in the cinema
15. It is difficult to name the most successful movie hero in taking the life of his own kind. What about a wide variety of Demolitionists? Or, for example, in the little-known Canadian TV series Lexx, the protagonist killed 685 billion people on 94 planets. He generally travels in a spaceship created by the destruction of planets. If we count the “confirmed losses”, that is, personally committed murders, then Clive Owen from the movie “Shoot Them” is in the lead, who has 141 dead. 150 people seem to have been killed by the hero of the 1974 Japanese film "Sword of Vengeance 6" who avenged his wife. However, it is unlikely that this film was seen by anyone other than very inveterate fans of Japanese cinema. The record could have been set by John Preston from Equilibrium, but Christian Bale's character is wasting too much screen time. But even so, his result is 118 corpses. In the movie “Hotheads 2,” a counter showing the number of murders appears on the screen at one point, and a banner declaring the film the bloodiest in history. However, in fact, Topper Harley (Charlie Sheen) manages to kill only 103 people. "Shoot them." Broken fingers of revenge are not a hindrance